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Title:Osebnostne značilnosti serijskih morilcev : primer Aileen Wuornos
Authors:ID Zore, Ajda (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 3F2857A2D144A2E3F07BB89FAE64B81B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem opisala značilnosti serijskih morilcev. Najprej sem povzela več različnih avtorjev. Potem pa sem se osredotočila na avtorico Karmen Šterk in na njeno knjigo Serijski morilec normalen psihopat patološke matere. Poskusila sem odgovoriti na vprašanja kot so: zakaj serijski morilci to počnejo, kako se vedejo v družbi, razlike med žensko serijsko morilko in moškim. Opisala sem značilnosti serijskih morilk, ter tipov, ki se med seboj razlikujejo. Podala sem tudi nekaj primerov, ki sem jih na kratko predstavila. Na koncu pa sem se posvetila primeru ženske serijske morilke, ki je danes ni več med nami in naj ne bi ustrezala nobenemu tipu serijske morilke, Aileen Wuornos. S tem sem tudi odgovorila na vprašanje, ali so tudi ženske lahko serijske morilke. Po Aileen je bil leta 2003 posnet tudi film z naslovom Pošast, vlogo morilke je odlično odigrala Charlize Theron. Večkratne morilce lahko razdelimo v tri tipe: - množični, opredeljen kot umor vsaj treh ljudi istočasno na istem prostoru; - verižni, morilec ubije vsaj tri ljudi v obdobju tridesetih dni in zraven po navadi stori še druga kazniva dejanja; - serijski, gre za umor vsaj treh ljudi v nekem časovnem razponu. Umori serijskega morilca so si med seboj zelo podobni. Pomembno se je vprašati, kje in kdaj so se zgodili, kdo je žrtev, način umora ter zveza z morilcem. Tako lahko na podlagi teh odgovorov, že zmanjšamo krog osumljencev in s preiskovanjem pridemo do morilca. Serijskega morilca se velikokrat ne najde, dokler se sam ne odloči za korak razkritja. Razlogi za tako odločitev pa so lahko zelo različni. Veliko jih ima dovolj in bi radi odnehali, nekateri pa zaradi navdušenja povsem zgubijo nadzor nad seboj in postanejo površni.
Keywords:morilci, serijski morilci, serijske morilke, osebnostne značilnosti, primeri, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Zore]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47972 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2969578 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.05.2015
ZORE, Ajda, 2015, Osebnostne značilnosti serijskih morilcev : primer Aileen Wuornos [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Zore. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=47972
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Abstract:In this thesis I have describe the characteristics of serial killers. First of all, I summarized findings form a number of different authors. Then I have focused on the author Karmen Šterk and her book Serial Killer, normal psychopath of pathological mother. In the thesis I have provided answers to the questions such as: why do they do this, how do they behave in the society, the differences between female and men serial killers. I have described the characteristics of a female serial killers and types of them, which differ from each other. I have briefly presented some examples. In the end I have focused on the case of female serial killer who is no longer alive and did not correspond to any type of serial killer, Aileen Wuornos. With this I have replied to the question of whether women can be a serial killer. On the basis of Aileen’s story the movie The monster, has been made in 2003; the killer role has been excellently played by Charlize Theron. Multiple murderers can be divided into three types: - the mass murderers, defined by the murder of at least three people at the same time in the same space; - chain murderers, when the murderer kills at least three people in a period of thirty days and simultaneously commit other criminal offenses; - series murderers, when a murder of at least three people is committed in the certain timeframe. Murders of a serial killer are very similar to each other. It is important to ask where and when they have happened, who has been the victim, the method of murder and relationship with the killer. Thus, on the basis of these responses it is possible to reduce the circle of suspects and the investigation can come closer to the killer. Serial killer is usually not found, until he himself does not decide to take this step. The reasons for this decision are very different. Many of them have enough of such life and would like to quit, t some due to the enthusiasm completely lose control over themselves and become so careless that they can be easily caught.


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