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Authors:ID Vukelić, Siniša (Author)
ID Maletič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Vukelic_Sinisa_2015.pdf (2,38 MB)
MD5: 185E01EF9ABDF6DED4A0699C58307898
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Podjetje Faurecia Autositze GmbH Geiselhöring je del korporacije Faurecia. V tovarni v Geiselhöringu proizvajajo kovinske sedežne okvirje in mehanizme. Podjetje ima vpeljane različne standarde s področja kakovosti, kot so ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 in ISO 14001. V podjetju je več ključnih procesov, ki vplivajo na doseganje zahtev in pričakovanj kupcev, vendar smo se v okviru študije primera osredotočili na izboljšanje kakovosti tistega procesa, ki je v letu 2013 povzročil največje število reklamacij. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je bil izboljšati kakovost izvajanja procesa v obstoječem stanju in posledično zmanjšati število napak v procesu. Poleg navedenega so v diplomskem delu predstavljeni tudi nekateri segmenti kakovosti v obravnavanem podjetju, management kakovosti v avtomobilski industriji ter orodja managementa kakovosti, ki so bila uporabljena pri izvedbi študije primera, ki jo obravnava pričujoče diplomsko delo. V diplomskem delu smo prikazali uporabo metodologije stalnega izboljševanja na praktičnem primeru izboljšanja kakovosti procesa montažne linije sedežev. Pri tem smo uporabili številna nestatistična orodja managementa kakovosti, ki smo jih vključili v posamezne faze stalnega izboljševanja. Tehnična rešitev, ki je bila rezultat sistematičnega izboljševanja procesa je bila usklajena tudi z zahtevami končnega kupca. S pomočjo pareto analize smo dobili podatek, da se je 78,3% vseh reklamacij montažne linije pripetilo na prvi postaji in le 21,7% na preostalih štirih postajah. Tako smo se odločili za izboljšavo prve postaje montažne linije. Pri poteku izboljšave procesa smo se držali načel PDCA cikla: načrtovanje – izvršitev – preverjanje - ukrepanje. V diplomskem delu smo po uvedbi izboljšave s pomočjo pareto analize prikazali za kolikšen odstotek se je zmanjšalo število napak. Pri tem smo upoštevali celotno število in stroške reklamacij, ki so se zgodile v letu 2014. Rezultati študije primera kažejo na to, da smo z izboljšanim procesom dosegli nižje stroške neustrezne kakovosti. Kot dobavitelj moramo poskrbeti, da so naši kupci zadovoljni. To nam mora biti vedno glavni cilj, saj kupec odloča o tem ali bomo imeli naročila in delo. Vsak kupec želi kupiti najboljši izdelek po najnižji ceni. Zaradi tega dejstva je vsako podjetje prisiljeno k stalnemu izboljševanju svojih procesov, saj je končni proizvod rezultat dela le-teh.
Keywords:proces, kakovost, stroški nekakovosti, orodja managementa kakovosti, PDCA cikel, avtomobilska industrija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47946 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7435283 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.05.2015
VUKELIĆ, Siniša, 2015, IZBOLJŠANJE KAKOVOSTI PROCESA PRI DOBAVITELJU V AVTOMOBILSKI PANOGI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=47946
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Abstract:The company Faurecia Autositze Geiselhöring GmbH is an integral part of the corporation Faurecia. In the Geiselhöring factory we produce metal seats frames and mechanisms. The company has established all the relevant standards such as ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001. There are lot of key processes in the company that are essential in terms of fulfilling the customer demands; however, at the beginning of 2014 we have decided to improve the process which was considered as the worst in terms of the reclamations in year 2013. The main purpose of the thesis was to improve the quality of this process and to consequently reduce the number of complaints. Additionally, the thesis presents the quality in the case company, quality management in automotive industry and the quality tools which were used in the thesis. In this thesis we have utilised the continuous improvement methodology and analysed the corresponding process using the quality management tools and techniques. Several non-statistical quality management tools were considered within different stages of continuous improvement methodology. The technical solution that emerged from the improvement activities was also aligned with the expectations of the final customer. Using Pareto diagram we got the information that 78.3% of all assembly line reclamations occurred at the first and only 21.7% on the remaining four stations. Therefore, we decided to improve the first station of assembly line. We have improved process with Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. After the proposed improvement solution was implemented Pareto diagram was used again in order to present the achieved improvement results. In doing so we took in account total number and costs of reclamations in year 2014. With an improved process we have achieved a lower cost of poor-quality. As a supplier we are urged to ensure the satisfaction of our customers. That latter must always be the main goal of the company, since the customer judges the quality of our products which consequently influences the number of orders that are received by the company. Every customer wants to buy the best product at the lowest price. Due to this fact, each company is forced to continuously improve of its processes, since the product is the result of these processes.
Keywords:process, quality, the costs of poor-quality, quality management tools, PDCA cycle, automotive industry


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