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Title:Elektronski odpadki in njihova predelava v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Štucin, Miriam (Author)
ID Bernik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Stucin_Miriam_i2015.pdf (641,65 KB)
MD5: 22F503C1FBC0F35870BEFAB455EE784B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V elektronski industriji se je v zadnjem desetletju zgodil velik preobrat, revolucija, ki je povečala volumen in število vrst nevarnih odpadkov. Z nenehnim spreminjanjem industrializacije in urbanizacije tehnologija močno vpliva tudi na zdravje človeka. Vedno večja uporaba škodljivih snovi in materialov pri izdelavi elektronike ob nepravilni predelavi povečuje onesnaževanje zraka, zemlje in vode, ter vpliva na nepravilno delovanje človeških organov. Vsakodnevno se kopičijo komunalni odpadki, ki vsebujejo odvržene elektronske in električne izdelke, in v največjih količinah končajo v nerazvitih državah oziroma državah, kjer se industrializacija šele začenja. Kopičijo se na odlagališčih v nepredstavljivih količinah. Vse električne in elektronske odpadke, ki so jih lastniki zavrgli zaradi nedelovanja njihovih funkcij in obrabe, imenujemo e-odpadki. Ker e-odpadki predstavljajo resne okoljske in zdravstvene nevarnosti za ljudi, predvsem pa hude razmere prebivalcev držav v razvoju, je nujno potrebna rešitev tega drastično naraščajočega problema. Pobude, ki so jih do sedaj predstavile vodilne države, temeljijo na učinkoviti tehniki recikliranja in uporabi takih materialov že pri izdelavi električnih izdelkov, da ne ogrožajo zdravja ljudi in naravnih virov. Področje reciklaže naj bi bilo urejeno s točno določenimi predpisi, ki naj bi veljali po vsem svetu, v vseh državah. Recikliranje elektronskih odpadkov naj poteka v zagrajenih reciklažnih centrih namenjenih izključno predelavi e-odpadkov, z urejenimi zaščitnimi ukrepi in varnostjo delavcev, ter s čistilno napravo za čiščenje zraka. To potrjujejo tudi prebivalci Slovenije, ki so v raziskavi »Elektronski odpadki v Sloveniji« izrazili nezadostno poznavanje problematike pojma e-wastea in zakonodaje, ki ureja področje predelave. Analiza izbranih podatkov je potrdila domneve o nepripravljenosti Slovenije na soočenje s porastom elektronskih odpadkov in njihove reciklaže. Pogoj za veliko kopičenje elektronskih odpadkov ni v velikosti države, saj je slovenski trg elektronike majhen v primerjavi s svetovnim trgom, in bi potemtakem morali imeti malo nakopičenih el. odpadkov. Nepripravljenost slovenskih prebivalcev na kosanje z novonastalim tehnološko hitro rastočim problemom el. odpadkov kaže na potrebo po izboljšanju trenutnega stanja. To je mogoče doseči s povezavo ustrezne politične zakonodaje in z mednarodnimi predpisi, ter z ustrezno ozaveščenostjo uporabnikov elektronskih naprav in njihovega recikliranja.
Keywords:odpadki, elektronski odpadki, odlagališča, nevarne snovi, skladiščenje, recikliranje, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Štucin]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47866 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2990570 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.08.2015
ŠTUCIN, Miriam, 2015, Elektronski odpadki in njihova predelava v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Štucin. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=47866
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Abstract:The electronics industry has experienced a major turning point in the last decade, a revolution that has increased the volume and the number of types of hazardous waste. Technology, with its constant changing of industrialization and urbanization, has a strong impact on human health. The ever-increasing use of harmful substances and materials in the manufacturing of electronics, when these are processed inappropriately, leads to an increase in air, soil and water pollution as well as human organ damage. Municipal waste containing discarded electronic and electrical products is accumulated daily and most of it ends up in undeveloped countries or countries where industrialization is only being introduced. It accumulates in landfills in unimaginable quantities. All electrical and electronic waste that was discarded by its owner due to malfunctions and wear is called e-waste. Since e-waste leads to serious environmental and health hazards for people, especially to severe conditions for the population in developing countries, there is a pressing need for a drastic solution to this growing problem. Initiatives that have already been presented by leading countries are based on the reduction of effective techniques for recycling and the use of such materials in the manufacture of electrical products itself, so the materials do not endanger human health and natural resources. Recycling is regulated via specific regulations which should apply worldwide. The recycling of electronic waste is to be performed in fenced-off recycling centers meant exclusively for the processing of e-waste, featuring adequate protocols in worker safety and an air purifier. This is also confirmed by the inhabitants of Slovenia, who, in the survey "E-Waste in Slovenia", have expressed their lack of familiarity with the concept of e-waste and the laws regarding the processing thereof. The analysis of selected data confirmed assumptions about Slovenia being unprepared to cope with the increase in electronic waste and its recycling. A large country is not a prerequisite for rapid waste accumulation; as the Slovenian electronics market is small compared to other world markets, that would mean a small accumulation of electronic waste. The lack of preparedness of the Slovenian population to cope with the newly-formed and rapidly growing problem of electronic waste points to the need to improve the current situation. This can be achieved by connecting the appropriate political legislation and international regulations as well as appropriate user awareness regarding electronic devices and their recycling.
Keywords:e-waste, landfills, recycling, dangerous substances, Slovenia


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