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Authors:ID Urbas, Nejc (Author)
ID Jagrič, Vita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 7832B4E6EB11E887B617A185DA0924CD
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Globalni razvoj informacijskih tehnologij, predvsem interneta, je pripeljal do novih plačilnih navad, novih plačilnih inštrumentov in ne nazadnje do novih oblik valutnega trga. Vse več uporabnikov uporablja splet za nakupe in izmenjavo dobrin in storitev. Prihaja do logičnega razvoja in uporabe cenejših in hitrejših valut od tradicionalnih. Svet je pričel postajati en sam brezmejni trg brez omejitev, skratka kot ena sama država in ena ekonomija. Danes lahko opravimo nakupe v katerikoli državi sveta. Logična posledica je tudi iskanje in pridobitev ene same virtualne valute, ki bi združila en trg brez dodatnih provizij in omogočila hitro izmenjavo virtualnega denarja med uporabniki, in to ob čim večji meri anonimnosti in varnosti. Razvijalcem virtualnih valut je to uspelo in delež teh valut se iz dneva v dan povečuje. Prihaja do vedno večje konkurenčnosti tradicionalnim valutam. Virtualne valute so pod drobnogledom centralnih bank in njihovih organov, ki iščejo rešitve, kako se spoprijeti z njihovo naraščajočo uporabo. Virtualne valute postajajo med uporabniki vse bolj priljubljene in njihova uporaba postaja vse širša – uporabljajo jih lahko že v realnem gospodarstvu za vsakodnevne nakupe dobrin in storitev.
Keywords:virtualne valute, bitcoin, linden dolarji, virtualne borze, virtualna ekonomija, virtualni denar
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Urbas]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47849 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12011292 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.06.2015
URBAS, Nejc, 2015, VIRTUALNE VALUTE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Urbas. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=47849
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Abstract:Global development of information technologies, especially the Internet, has led to the new payment habits, new payment instruments and last but not least to the new forms of currency market. More and more users use the Web to shop and exchange goods and services. It is coming to the logical development and use of cheaper and faster currencies than traditional. The world has started to become a single borderless market, without limitations, in short, as a single state, and one economy. Today we can make purchases in any country of the world. The logical consequence is also a search and acquisition of a single virtual currency that would unite one market without additional fees and allow rapid exchange of virtual money among users, and this being as much as possible anonymously and securely. Developers of virtual currency managed to achieve this and the proportion of these currencies is increasing day by day. Their competitiveness towards traditional currencies is growing. Virtual currencies are under the microscope of central banks and their bodies that are looking for solutions to cope with their increasing use. Virtual currencies are becoming increasingly popular among users and their use is becoming wider – they use them already in the real economy for day-to-day purchases of goods and services.
Keywords:virtual currencies, bitcoin, linden dollars, virtual stock market, virtual economy, virtual money.


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