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Title:Racionalizacija ravnanja z odpadki in odpadno embalažo v občini Krško
Authors:ID Topol, Tanja (Author)
ID Lisec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Levičar, Stanislav (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Topol_Tanja_2015.pdf (1,40 MB)
MD5: EE58918F1C155A871320C929A76F810A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Odgovorno ravnanje z odpadki in odpadno embalažo je ključen dejavnik pri ohranjanju okolja, česar bi se ljudje morali bolj zavedati. V občini Krško podjetje Kostak, d. d., izvaja ločeno zbiranje odpadkov že več kot 10 let, vendar se še vedno prevelika količina odpadkov, predvsem bioloških, nepravilno loči in na ekoloških otokih zavrže v napačne zabojnike. Vse večje so količine odpadne embalaže, ki predstavlja veliko obremenitev za okolje, če je ponovno ne uporabimo ali pravilno zavržemo s ciljem njenega recikliranja in ohranjanja naravnih virov. Z večjim obveščanjem in spodbudo prebivalcev k ločevanju odpadkov bi tako lahko napredovali k doseganju cilja, da bi se v prihodnosti vsi odpadki ločevali pravilno in bi količina mešanih komunalnih odpadkov ostala minimalna. S predlaganimi rešitvami, ki so predstavljene v diplomskem delu, bi tako pridobili prednosti za občane, podjetje Kostak, d. d., in okolje.
Keywords:odpadek, odpadna embalaža, ekološki otok, okolje
Place of publishing:Krško
Publisher:[T. Topol]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47606-89801079-d176-42fc-ebd9-0d0a2caec736 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512669245 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.05.2015
TOPOL, Tanja, 2015, Racionalizacija ravnanja z odpadki in odpadno embalažo v občini Krško [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Krško : T. Topol. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=47606
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Secondary language

Title:Rationalisation of waste and waste material management in municipality of Krško
Abstract:Responsible waste and waste material management is a key factor in preserving the environment, which people should be more aware. In the municipality of Krško, company Kostak d.d. conducted separate waste collecting more than 10 years ago, but there is still too much waste, especially biological, which is incorrectly separated and incorrectly discarded at ecological islands in the wrong containers. As the amount of waste material is increasing, there is a major burden for the environment if the material is not re-used or properly discarded with the aim of its recycling and also conserving natural resources. With more information and encouragement of the population to sort waste properly, we can make progress towards achieving the goal that in future all waste is discarded properly and the amount of mixed municipal waste remaines minimal. Proposed solutions are presented in the thesis, and they obtain benefits for citizens, company Kostak d.d. and the environment.
Keywords:waste, waste material, ecological island, environment


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