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Title:Rak dojke in državni program DORA
Authors:ID Vukanič, Sanja (Author)
ID Gönc, Vida (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: EEC32ECCB32D988C1292269D1F2A0F7A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča. Rak dojk je povsod po svetu najpogostejši ženski rak. K nastanku te bolezni veliko prispevajo različni dejavniki tveganja kot so hormonska nadomestna terapija, nezdrav način prehranjevanja, debelost, prekomerno uživanje alkohola in kajenje. Znano je, da se rak dojke pogosteje pojavlja pri starejših kot pri mlajših ženskah. Namen. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kolika je osveščenost žensk o raku dojk in ali ženske poznajo državni program DORA. Metodologija raziskovanja. Uporabili smo metodo anketiranja, metodo kompilacije in deskriptivno metodo. Za literaturo smo uporabili tako slovenske kot tuje strokovne članke na temo rak dojk in državni program DORA. Rezultati. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da ženske večinoma poznajo znake, ki kažejo na obolenje dojk in dejavnike tveganja, ki so povezani z razvojem raka dojk. Državni program DORA pozna 57 % žensk, kar 83 % žensk pa pozna namen državnega programa DORA. Kar 91 % žensk pozna mamografijo, ki je del presejalnega programa DORA. Sklep. Pomembno se je zavedati, da je rak dojk ozdravljiva bolezen, če jo le odkrijemo dovolj zgodaj. Ženske same lahko same največ storijo z različnimi preventivnimi metodami, ena izmed glavnih presejalnih programov, ki uspešno deluje po vsej Sloveniji, pa je Državni presejalni program DORA.
Keywords:rak dojk, dejavniki tveganja, starejše ženske, Državni presejalni program DORA, mamografija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Vukanič]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46879 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2065060 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.01.2015
VUKANIČ, Sanja, 2014, Rak dojke in državni program DORA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Vukanič. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=46879
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Secondary language

Title:Breast cancer and the » DORA« national programme
Abstract:Theoretical basis. Breast cancer is most common cancer in females worldwide. Many risk factors: hormone replacement therapy, unhelathy diet, obesity, alcohol, smoking. Promote breast cancer development which primarily affect older women. Purpose. In this graduation thesis, we aimed to evaluate women awareness about breast cancer and investigate whether women are familar with DORA national program. Methodology. We used questinnaires, compilation, and descriptive methodology, as well as national and international articles describing DORA national program. Results. DORA national program was identified by 57% of women; 83% and 91% of those were aware of the program aim and mamography, respectively. Most women were familiar with typical signs of breast disease and with risk factors for breast cancer development. Resolution. Perception of breast cancer as a curable disease, if detected early, is important. Various self-preventive methods, along with DORA national screening program are key to early detection and adequate management.
Keywords:breast cancer, risik factors, older women, DORA national screening program, mamography


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