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Title:Merjenje zadovoljstva uporabnikov storitev podjetja Simbio d.o.o.
Authors:ID Stopinšek, David (Author)
ID Kramar, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Stopinsek_David_2014.pdf (1,28 MB)
MD5: 2AA6B87E74C31ACD3602B1C1B9E0F13E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Kakovost je v našem življenju edino merilo s katerim lahko opredelimo nekaj kar smo ali kupili, izdelali, prodali ali kako drugače ocenili ter s tem temu pripisali neko vrednost oziroma ceno. S kakovostjo pa je povezano zadovoljstvo tistega, ki ta »izdelek« kupi, uporablja ali kako drugače pride z njim v kontakt. Zaradi človeškega nagona stremenja k popolnosti pa smo razvili različne metode s katerimi preverjamo stopnjo zadovoljstva s kakovostjo »izdelka« ter na takšen način popravljamo in opravljamo izboljšave ter smo tako vedno bližje popolnosti. V diplomski nalogi smo opredelili pojma kakovosti in storitev, predstavili smo tudi standarde kakovosti po ISO ter si pogledali metode za merjenje zadovoljstva uporabnikov. Nadaljevali smo s predstavitvijo podjetja Simbio, kakšna je njegova zgodovina in si pogledali katere storitve nudijo. Proti koncu diplomske naloge je sledila analiza ankete, katere namen je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so prebivalci mesta Celje zadovoljni s storitvami podjetja Simbio. Postavili smo si določene teze, ki smo jih nato na koncu diplomske naloge preverili s pomočjo izsledkov anketnih vprašalnikov. Na podlagi ugotovitev anket smo nato na koncu predlagali izboljšave in podali predloge s katerimi bi se po našem mnenju zadovoljstvo uporabnikov s storitvami podjetja Simbio izboljšalo.
Keywords:storitev, kakovost, metode za merjenje zadovoljstva
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[D. Stopinšek]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46617 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512633661 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.01.2015
STOPINŠEK, David, 2014, Merjenje zadovoljstva uporabnikov storitev podjetja Simbio d.o.o. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : D. Stopinšek. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=46617
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Secondary language

Title:Measuring user satisfaction services in company Simbio Ltd
Abstract:Quality in our life is the only critera by which we can define something that we buy, produce, sell or otherwise evaluate, and thus this attribute a value or price. The quality is linked to pleasure him who this "product" purchased, used or otherwise come into contact. Because the human instinct to excellence, we have developed various methods to check the level of satisfaction with the quality of the "product" and in this way repair and make improvements that we are always closer to perfection. In this thesis, we defined the concept of quality and service, we present the quality standards according to ISO and we looked at the methods for measuring user satisfaction. We continued with the presentation of the company Simbio, what is its history and look at what services they offer. Towards the end of the thesis is following the analysis of the survey, the purpose of which was to determine the extent to which the inhabitants of the town of Celje are satisfied with the services of companie Simbio. We have set a certain weights, which then were verified at the end of the thesis using the results of the questionnaires. Based on the findings of surveys, in the end we proposed improvements and made proposals which would, in our view, improved customer satisfaction with the services the company Simbio.
Keywords:service, quality, methods for measuring customer satisfaction


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