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Authors:ID Mrak, Neža (Author)
ID Dežman, Zlatan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 212342A61399D18F01C610CC616C5FEA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi se posvečam problematiki domnevane privolitve. Za institut domnevane privolitve je zelo pomemben Zakon o pacientovih pravicah, saj se ravno v medicinskem kazenskem pravu največkrat srečujemo s problemom privolitve oškodovanca. Vsak medicinski poseg oz. zdravljenje mora biti opravljeno s privolitvijo pacienta. Dana mora biti vedno vnaprej, pred opravljenim posegom oz. zdravljenjem. Ključnega pomena je, da zdravnik opravi pojasnilno dolžnost in pacientu razloži možne načine zdravljenja in njegove posledice, saj se bo le tako imel možnost, da se pravilno odloči. Zdravnik je dolžan spoštovati pacientovo pravico do samoodločbe in avtonomije. V primeru, da pacient določen način zdravljenja zavrača, mora zdravnik to sprejeti in mu razložiti posledice takšne odločitve. Obenem mu mora pojasniti še ostale možnosti zdravljenja in kakšna je njihova učinkovitost. Zlasti pripadniki različnih verskih skupnosti zavračajo določen poseg zaradi svojega verskega prepričanja. Zdravnik takšnega posega ne sme opraviti, temveč mora spoštovati voljo pacienta. V nasprotnem primeru ravna protipravno. V preteklosti se je pogosto ignorirala privolitev oškodovanca, pomembno je bilo zgolj, da je bil poseg opravljen lege artis. Danes pa gre pot v popolnoma drugo smer in ima odločilno vlogo ravno privolitev pacienta. Kazenski zakonik je uvedel veliko spremembo v našem pravnem sistemu, saj je kot razlog izključene protipravnosti zdravniških posegov določil prav institut privolitve oškodovanca. S tem pa se je dobro začrtala pot razvoja privolitve oškodovanca v naši pravni ureditvi in tako tudi možnosti njegove uveljavitve v praksi.
Keywords:medicinsko kazensko pravo, privolitev, domnevana privolitev, oškodovanec, pacient
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Mrak]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46443 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4809515 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.12.2014
MRAK, Neža, 2014, DOMNEVANA PRIVOLITEV OŠKODOVANCA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Mrak. [Accessed 10 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=46443
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this diploma thesis I deliberate the problem of implied consent. The Patients' Rights Act is very important for the Institute of implied consent as we encounter problems with the victim's consent mostly in Medical Criminal Law. Any medical procedure or treatment must be done with the consent of the patient. The consent must always be given in advance, before carying out surgery or treatment. It is vital that doctor respect duty to provide informations and explain to patient all possible treatment options and risks of each treatment because only then the patient will have the oportunity to make the right decision. The doctor is obliged to respect the patient's right to self-determination and autonomy. In case of patient's refusal of particular way of treatment the doctor should accept patient's decision and explain the consequences of such decision. At the same time the doctor should explain remaining treatment options and their efficiency. In particular, members of different religious communities reject a certain intervention because of their religious beliefs. Doctor should not perform such intervention but must respect the will of the patient, otherwise the doctor acts illegally. In the past the important thing was that intervention was performed lege artis, often ignoring the consent of the victim. Nowadays, however, it is completelly different and the crucial role plays precisely the consent of the patient. The Penal Code has introduced a major change in our legal system as it determinated that Institute of implied consent of a victim is a reason for exclusion of illegality. By doing this path of development of consent of the victim is well-paved in our legal system and thus the possibility of implementation in practice.
Keywords:Medical Criminal Law, Consent, Implied consent, Victim, The patient


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