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Authors:ID Hajd, Iris (Author)
ID Samec Berghaus, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 049C38CEEF7C873E476392FC6D095FF1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Negativni (Reliance interest) in pozitivni pogodbeni interes (Expectation Interest), kot dve različni obliki škode iz poslovne obveznosti, slovenski pravni red neposredno ne ureja. Sam institut smo prevzeli po nemškem BGB-ju (Das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch). Kljub temu srečamo njuno omembo v zvezi z določenimi instituti iz Obligacijskega zakonika, kakor tudi ob pregledu in analizi sodne prakse. Negativni interes ali interes zaupanja se nanaša na škodo, do katere je prišlo, ker se je stranka zanašala na veljavnost pravnega posla ali pravilnost izjave poslovne volje. Stranka je torej imela upravičeno zaupanje v veljavnost pogodbe. Potrebno ji je torej zagotoviti tak premoženjski položaj, kot da pogodbe ni nikdar sklenila. Na drugi strani pa pozitivni interes (tudi izpolnitveni interes) povezujemo s sicer veljavno pogodbo, pri čemer stranki nastane škoda, ker pogodba ni bila pravilno izpolnjena. V pogodbenem pravu namreč velja načelo, če ima stranka izgubo zaradi tega, ker veljavna pogodba ni izpolnjena, gre za pozitivni pogodbeni interes. Če pa je izguba v tem, da pogodba ni veljavna, gre za negativni pogodbeni interes, interes zaupanja. Potrebno je izpostaviti, da negativni pogodbeni interes, kot oblika pravno priznane premoženjske škode (glej 168. člen OZ) vključuje tako navadno škodo kot izgubljen dobiček. Pri tem prva oblika škode predstavlja stroške, ki jih je imela oškodovana stranka s sklenitvijo neveljavne pogodbe, izgubljeni dobiček pa škodo, ker ni sklenila druge zanjo, ugodnejše pogodbe in s tem pridobila morebiten dobiček. Čeprav je predvsem slednjega težko dokazati, saj gre za subjektivno sestavino škode, ki jo je potrebno presojati posamično in celovito. V tem diplomskem delu se podrobneje razdelata omenjena pogodbena interesa, pri čemer se pozornost posveča predvsem analizi sodne prakse negativnega pogodbenega interesa.
Keywords:Poslovna odškodninska odgovornost, škoda, pravno priznana premoženjska škoda, navadna škoda, izgubljeni dobiček, negativni pogodbeni interes, pozitivni pogodbeni interes, Obligacijski Zakonik (OZ)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Hajd]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45911 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4782891 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.11.2014
HAJD, Iris, 2014, NEGATIVNI POGODBENI INTERES V SODNI PRAKSI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : I. Hajd. [Accessed 13 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45911
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Secondary language

Abstract:Reliance Interest in Slovenian court practise Slovenian legal system does not explicitly regulate Reliance Interest and Expectation Interest as two types of Contract damage. Both institutes were acquired from German Civil Code (Das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch). Nevertheless, Reliance Interest and Expectation Interes are mentioned among several other institutes from Slovenian Code of Obligations (Obligacijski zakonik) and in addition to that reviewed in our court practise. Reliance Interest or the interest of trust refers to damage origins from reliance of one party, that obligation will be conducted properly. Furthermore, one party justifiable rely on the validity of the contract. It is necessary to re-establish the condition as the contract was never conducted. On the other hand Expectation Interest refers to validly conducted contract, where one party suffer for damage while contract was not properly accomplished. In Contract Law it is well recognised that if one party is deprived because the contract is not conduct properly, we are talking about Expectation Interest while in cases when a party is deprived because the contract is not valid we are talking about Reliance Interest. I would like to stress out that Reliance Interest, as legally recognised form of damage according to Article 168 of Slovenian Code of Obligations refers to Actual Loss including Loss of Profit. Actual Loss represents one party`s costs which aroused because of invalid contract while loss of profit represents costs because party relied on agreed contract despite it could enter into some other obligation with the similar or the same content and therefore made profit. Nonetheless, in practise it is very hard to prove such kind of loss. In this Thesis I will analyse both Contract Interests and refer especially to Reliance Interest in the light of Slovenian court practise.
Keywords:Contract liability, Damage, Legally Recognized Damage, Actual Loss, Loss of Profit, Reliance Interest, Expectation Interest, Slovenian Code of Obligations.


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