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Title:Odpadna embalaža in problem pri odpadni embalaži s pretisnimi omoti v farmacevtskem podjetju Krka d.d.
Authors:ID Krajnc, Urška (Author)
ID Lisec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Levičar, Stanislav (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Krajnc_Urska_2014.pdf (1,02 MB)
MD5: F524C94BEC42A8502873F49327D35D16
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Diplomska naloga obsega problem, ki nastane zaradi čedalje večjega in obsežnejšega nastajanja odpadne embalaže, in konkreten problem, s katerim se srečujejo v farmacevtskem podjetju Krka, d. d., iz Novega mesta. Kot nam je znano, je z odpadki vse več težav. S prostorskega vidika je to kopičenje odpadkov, z okoljskega vidika pa onesnaževanje okolja. Embalaža, ki predstavlja odpadek, ki ga ne potrebujemo več, nam predstavlja predmet, ki ga odvržemo. Pri tem je smiselno premisliti, če je embalaža morda še uporabna oz. jo je zopet možno uporabiti kot embalažo, če pa jo imamo namen zavreči, kako oz. na kakšen način in kam jo bomo zavrgli, da s tem ne bi onesnaževali okolja. V Krki, d. d., vsakodnevno delujejo okoljevarstveno, ločujejo vse možne odpadke in delujejo skladno z zakonom, kar se tiče odpadkov. S problemom se srečujejo pri embaliranju na tabletirniku, imenovanem tudi blister, s pretisnimi omoti. Ti omoti so sestavljeni iz zgornjega plastičnega in spodnjega aluminijastega materiala, ki sta zvarjena skupaj. Omenjena materiala po lepljenju ne gresta več narazen, se ju ne da ločiti in ločeno zbrati, zato nastane problem, kam s tovrstno odpadno embalažo. Pokazali bomo, kako se v omenjenem podjetju srečujejo s problematiko, in še sami poizkušali predlagati možne rešitve problema.
Keywords:odpadna embalaža, Krka, d. d., pretisni omoti
Place of publishing:Krško
Publisher:[U. Krajnc]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45569 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512619837 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.01.2015
KRAJNC, Urška, 2014, Odpadna embalaža in problem pri odpadni embalaži s pretisnimi omoti v farmacevtskem podjetju Krka d.d. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Krško : U. Krajnc. [Accessed 31 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45569
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Secondary language

Title:Waste packaging and the problem in packaging waste with the blister in pharmaceutical company Krka d.d. (joint-stock company)
Abstract:My diploma work deals with the problems arising in connection with a growing and extensive packaging waste, and a concrete problem which the pharmaceutical company Krka, d. d. from Novo mesto is faced with. It is a well known fact that waste packaging continues to cause more and more problems, especially from the spatial point of view – the accumulation of waste, and also from the environmental perspective – environmental pollution. Packaging represents the waste that is no longer needed and is therefore disposed of, thus making it sensible to consider if the waste packaging can be reused or recycled. In case of non reusable packaging, the environmentally friendly disposal should be taken into consideration. It is a policy in Krka, d. d. to act environmentally friendly and in accordance with the legislation in terms of waste on a daily basis, separating all kinds of waste. There are problems with packaging used on the tabletting machine, also called blister. These blister packs consist of upper plastic and lower aluminium material, the two being welded together. Once welded together, these two materials are inseparable, so they can not be separated and collected separately, thus creating a problem as to what to do with this kind of waste packaging. In my diploma work I am going to explain how the above mentioned company has been dealing with the problem of packaging waste, and also try to give some suggestions regarding the solution of the problem presented.
Keywords:packaging waste, Krka, d.d., blistered parcel


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