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Title:Psihološki vidiki pooperativne bolečine
Authors:ID Marinović, Monika (Author)
ID DONIK, BARBARA (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: A3B0BA8EE6FA5071E433081081CEDCB9
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Za razumevanje in učinkovito lajšanje pooperativne bolečine je potrebno razumeti, kakšno vlogo imajo psihološki dejavniki, ki vplivajo na doživljanje bolečine. Glavni cilj pri lajšanju pooperativne bolečine je zmanjšati odmerek zdravila in posledično zmanjšati stranske učinke, a še vedno zagotoviti ustrezen terapevtski učinek. Multidisciplinaren timski pristop je osnova za načrtno in sistematično lajšanje bolečine. Kako se posameznik odziva na pojav bolečine, je odvisno od starosti, okolja, preteklih izkušenj, pričakovanj in domnev. Glasbena terapija lahko prispeva k pomiritvi pacienta in preusmeritvi pozornosti, kar pozitivno vpliva na zmanjšanje krvnega tlaka in frekvence dihanja. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili pooperativno bolečino in mehanizem nastanka bolečine, opisali psihološke faktorje in glasbo kot nefarmakološki način lajšanja pooperativne bolečine. S pregledom domače in tuje literature ter pregledom elektronskih virov smo si odgovorili na postavljeni raziskovalni vprašanji in ugotovili, da so pozornost, anksioznost oz. tesnoba, spomin, določene naučene reakcije in pričakovanja najpomembnejši psihološki faktorji, ki vplivajo na posameznikovo spoprijemanje z bolečino, ter da glasba pomirjajoče in sproščujoče deluje na pacienta, kar pozitivno vpliva na vitalne funkcije.
Keywords:bolečina, pooperativna bolečina, psihologija bolečine, psihološki faktorji bolečine, glasbena terapija, nefarmakološke metode
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Marinović]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45392 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2043812 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.09.2014
MARINOVIĆ, Monika, 2014, Psihološki vidiki pooperativne bolečine [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Marinović. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45392
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Secondary language

Title:Psychological aspects of post-operative pain
Abstract:To understand and effectively relieve post-operative pain, it is necessary to understand the role of psychology when dealing with pain. The main aim in post-operative pain is to reduce the dose and prevent side effects, while still providing adequate therapeutic benefits. A multidisciplinary team approach is necessary for a planned and systematic pain management methodology. How an individual responds to the onset of pain depends on their age, environment, past experiences, expectations and assumptions. Music therapy can help to alleviate the patient's suffering and to divert attention, which has a positive effect on reducing blood pressure and breathing. In the thesis we presented post-operative pain and the mechanism of pain, describing, psychology and psychological factors, while also discussing music as a non-pharmacological method of post-operative pain relief. With the review of domestic and foreign literature and review of electronic resources we have answered the research questions and found that attention and anxiety, memory, certain learned reactions and expectations are the most important psychological factors in influencing an individual's coping response to pain and that soothing and relaxing music operates on a patient with a positive beneficial effect on vital functions.
Keywords:: pain, post-operative pain, pain's psychology, psychological factors of pain, music therapy non-pharmacological methods.


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