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Title:Odnosi med pravosodnimi policisti in zaporniki : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Pavlič, Polona (Author)
ID Meško, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 1F3EC309EC3D542B8AA8B81D9A82448C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Zapor predstavlja družbo znotraj družbe, ki jo sestavljajo vsi tako ali drugače prisotni v zaporu. Le-ti zato sodelujejo pri vzpostavljanju bolj 'človeške' in ustrezne socialne klime. Življenje in napetost v zaporu ne moreta biti kontrolirana s strogimi formalnimi pravili, potrebni so namreč ustrezni in korektni odnosi med vsemi, ki so del te totalne institucije (Liebling, Price in Shefer, 2011). Največ časa z zaporniki preživijo pravosodni policisti, zato so odnosi med pravosodnimi policisti in zaporniki eden izmed najpomembnejših dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na življenje in delo znotraj zapora. Medsebojno spoštovanje, sklepanje kompromisov in ustrezna komunikacija so pomembni dejavniki za tvorjenje ustreznih odnosov. Za obe strani je vzpostavljanje in vzdrževanje dobrih odnosov težavno zaradi različnih dejavnikov. Pravosodni policisti so primerni tudi za izvajanje pomembnih tretmanskih nalog za resocializacijo, saj zaporniki od osebja najlažje zaupajo pravosodnim policistom. Usposobljenost pravosodnih policistov je zelo pomemben dejavnik, ki pripomore k učinkovitemu in korektnemu izvajanju njihovega dela ter k tvorjenju čim boljših odnosov z zaporniki. Zaradi pomanjkanja pravosodnih policistov pada kakovost in učinkovitost njihovega opravljenega dela ter narašča varnostno tveganje. V primeru dobre socialne klime v zaporu ter dobrih odnosov so primarne naloge pravosodnih policistov lažje izvedljive.
Keywords:zapor, zaporniki, pravosodni policisti, odnosi, socialna klima, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Pavlič]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45303 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2837482 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.09.2014
PAVLIČ, Polona, 2014, Odnosi med pravosodnimi policisti in zaporniki : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : P. Pavlič. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45303
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Abstract:Prison is like a society inside another society and it is built with everyone that is a part of it – one way or another. All present are participating in the establishment of a more ' human ' and more appropriate social climate. Life and tension in prison cannot be controlled by strict formal rules, but by appropriate and correct relationships among all those who are part of this total institution (Liebling, Price in Shefer, 2011). Most of their time prisoners spend with prison officers, this is why the relationship between prison officers and prisoners is one of the most important factors affecting the living and working conditions inside the prison. Mutual respect, negotiation of compromises and appropriate communication are important factors for the creation of appropriate relationships. For both sides this creation and maintenance of good relationship is difficult due to various factors. Prison officers are also suitable for implementing treatment methods which help prisoners with their resocialization, because they spend most of their time working with prisoners. Therefore they can develop a relationship filled with trust and respect unlike anything seen in relationships with other employees. Competence of prison officers is a very important factor that contributes to the effective and correct implementation of their work and help to produce the best possible relationship with prisoners. The lack of prison officers reflects on the quality and commitment to their daily tasks. Furthermore it increases the security risks. In case of a good social climate in prison and good relationships between prison officers and prisoners, the primary functions of prison officers are more feasible.


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