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Title:Problematika razgradljivosti embalaže na primeru podjetja Gorenje d.d.
Authors:ID Božić, Maja (Author)
ID Lisec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Levičar, Stanislav (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Bozic_Maja_2014.pdf (885,86 KB)
MD5: 4697F480FD29C8F296139681751BB750
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali embalažo, njen namen uporabe in vrsto ter obliko embalaže ki se trenutno največ uporablja: to so les, karton, plastična embalaža in steklo. Opisali smo ravnanje z embalažo in odpadno embalažo. Poudarek je predvsem na embalaži, ki je sestavljena iz razgradljivih snovi, polimerov in biopolimerov. Predstavili smo tudi zakonodajo in standardizacijo na področju embalaže. V drugem delu diplomskega delasmo obravnavali primer na podjetju Gorenje, d.d. Na kratko smo opisali proizvodnjo ekspandiranega polistirena, ki ga podjetje samo izdeluje za embaliranje svojih izdelkov. Podjetje za embalažo uporablja plastične materiale, les, karton in folije. Kot predlog rešitve smo podali možnost menjave materialov z biološko razgradljivimi. V končnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljene ugotovitve in vpliv novega stanja na okolje.
Keywords:embalaža, plastična embalaža, odpadna embalaža, biopolimeri
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[M. Božić]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45253 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512629053 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.01.2015
BOŽIĆ, Maja, 2014, Problematika razgradljivosti embalaže na primeru podjetja Gorenje d.d. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : M. Božić. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45253
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Secondary language

Title:Problems of degradation of the packaging in case of Gorenje d.d.
Abstract:In this thesis we dealed with packaging and its intended use, the type and shape of the packaging which is currently the most widely used, wood, cardboard, plastic and glass packaging. We also described the management of packaging and packaging waste. The focus is on the packaging, which is made up of biodegradable materials, polymers and biopolymers. We have also presented legislation and standardization in the field of packaging. In the second part of the thesis we have dealt with the case in the company Gorenje d.d.. We briefly described the production of expanded polystyrene that is manufactured by the company itself for packaging their products. The company used for packaging plastic materials, wood, cardboard and foil. As a proposed solution are provided the option to switch to biodegradable materials. In the final part of the thesis presents the findings and the impact of the new state of the environment.
Keywords:packaging, plastic packaging, packaging waste, biopolymers


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