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Title:Uvedba črtne kode v skladišču podjetja RTH d.o.o.
Authors:ID Kaluža, Davor (Author)
ID Jereb, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kaluza_Davor_2014.pdf (2,37 MB)
MD5: D63829BF350ED96FE7F905A65B8A25BA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Diplomsko delo opisuje problem skladiščnega procesa v podjetju, ki ga prepoznamo predvsem v ročnem knjiženju izdanega in prevzetega blaga. Takšen pristop je zamuden in neučinkovit, posledice ročnega knjiženja pa se odražajo tudi v neažurnih podatkih in napakah, ki jih povzroča človeški faktor. Oblikovali smo cilje in namene za rešitev problema, določili omejitve in metode dela ter predstavili podjetje. Teoretični del opisuje delovanje skladišča in tehnologijo črtne kode ter njeno delovanje. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela je opisano dejansko stanje podjetja in izdelana procesna karta skladiščenja, s pomočjo kritične analize tega stanja pa so bili ugotovljeni vzroki za nastanek obravnavanega problema. V nadaljevanju je podan predlog rešitve, na podlagi katerega je bila izdelana nova procesna karta, nato pa sledi primerjava prvotnega in izboljšanega stanja. Nazadnje smo pripravili še ekonomski vidik izboljšave in izračunali, v kolikšnem času bi se investicija izplačala oziroma bi začela ustvarjati dobiček z oceno uspešnosti rešitve problema, pogoji za uvedbo in predstavili možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja.
Keywords:skladiščno poslovanje, črtna koda, poslovni proces, logistika
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[D. Kaluža]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45131 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512596029 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.11.2014
KALUŽA, Davor, 2014, Uvedba črtne kode v skladišču podjetja RTH d.o.o. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : D. Kaluža. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45131
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Secondary language

Title:Introduction of the bar-code in the warehouse of the company RTH d.o.o.
Abstract:The undergraduate thesis describes the problem in warehousing and storing inventory which is recognized predominantly by dated techniques such as documenting incoming and out coming material by hand. Such traditional ways of operating are above all else time consuming, and due to the quite substantial human factor the error rate is also higher than necessary. We have devised goals and means of solving this problem, set boundaries and working methods, and lastly presented the company focusing on its logistics. The theoretical part is set on the working process in a warehouse and the technology as well as functioning of the barcode system. In the following sections the real situation of the company is described, and a process chart is made. With the critical analysis of both parameters it was possible to conclude the reasons behind the arising problem. Afterwards a sensible solution is offered, that serves as a base for constructing a new process chart which is then compared to the original, non optimized one to assess the gravity of occurred differences. In the last part the economical viewpoint of the whole optimization process is stated. The time needed for the investment in modernizing and optimizing the company’s warehouse to pay off is also calculated, as well as the time required to start making profit. Lastly we will estimate the success rate of our suggested solution and present the possibilities of further development within the company’s warehouse system.
Keywords:warehouse management, bar-code, business proces, logistic


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