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Title:Problem zastarele in nestandardizirane embalaže v mreži GKN Driveline podjetjih
Authors:ID Strnad, Danilo (Author)
ID Lisec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 836D1FA5495945092F441A24C8B8520B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Embalaža igra zelo pomembno vlogo pri prodaji proizvodov; se neprestano razvija in spreminja. V trenutnem času si vsa podjetja želijo okolju prijazno embalažo, ki bo hkrati zavarovala proizvod, da ne bo prihajalo do nepotrebnih reklamacij. Izjema ni niti podjetje GKN Driveline, ki se ukvarja s proizvajanjem različnih transmisijskih komponent in sistemov. Za vse svoje proizvode potrebuje dovolj kakovostno embalažo, ki bo te zaščitila pred različnimi silami in nevarnostmi med transportom. Po analizi trenutne embalaže smo relativno hitro zaključili, da ta ni več primerna za pakiranje proizvodov, ki jih proizvajajo v podjetju GKN Driveline Zreče. Vsaka embalaža ima prednosti in slabosti; v našem primeru, kjer je v uporabi kovinska, kartonasta in lesena embalaža, pa smo zaznali veliko več slabosti kot prednosti. Kovinska embalaža je sporna z okoljevarstvenega vidika, kartonasta embalaža je nepovratna, pri leseni embalaži pa se srečamo s problemom obremenjevanja gozdov. To so le nekatere izmed slabosti trenutne embalaže, podrobna analiza pa je predstavljena v poglavju o tej problematiki. V diplomskem delu smo poskušali najti embalažo, ki bo prijaznejša do okolja in bo ob tem dovolj dobro zavarovala vse proizvode, ki se pakirajo v obravnavanem podjetju. Trenutno smo v obdobju gospodarske krize, zato smo morali biti pozorni tudi na ceno nove embalaže. Ta mora biti v sorazmerju s tem, kaj bomo pridobili z uporabo nove embalaže in kje bomo prihranili ali izboljšali določeni proces pri embaliranju – transportiranju blaga.
Keywords:embalaža, Kolox, partnerska podjetja
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[D. Strnad]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45031 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512630077 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.01.2015
STRNAD, Danilo, 2014, Problem zastarele in nestandardizirane embalaže v mreži GKN Driveline podjetjih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : D. Strnad. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=45031
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Secondary language

Title:The problem of absolete and non-standardized packaging in the network GKN Driveline companies
Abstract:Packaging has an essential role in product sale. Packaging is constantly developing and changing. Nowadays all companies wish to have environmental friendly packaging that efficiently protects their product, so that there are no unnecessary customer complaints. The company GKN Driveline from Zreče, which produces transmission components and systems is no exception. They need high quality packaging to protect their products, that are exposed to various forces and dangers during transportation. After analysing the current packaging, we came to the conclusion, that it is not siutable anymore fort the products of GKN Driveline. Every packaging has it's advantages and disadvantages, but in our case where we use metal, cardbord an wooden packaging, we see that it has much more disadvantages than advantages. Metal packaging is not siutable from the environmetal point of view, the use of cardbord packaging is irreversable and wooden packaging burdens the forest. These are only a few of the disadvantages of the current packaging, much more of them are mentioned in the chapter, where these issues are detailed. In this thesis we wish to find packaging that will be invironmental friendly, but will still offer appropriate safety for the products of the above mentioned company. Because of the global economic crisis, the price of the new packaging will also be highly significant. The costs fort the packaging have to be in proportion to the benefits we can gain: how much money will be saved by the new packaging and how will the packaging process be improved.
Keywords:packaging, Kolox, partner enterprises


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