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Title:Varnost cestnega prometa ob interventnih dogodkih na avtocestnem odseku Unec-Koper : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Lukaček, Goran (Author)
ID Bučar-Ručman, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Modic, Maja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Lukacek_Goran_2014.pdf (634,75 KB)
MD5: 500ADE15B9E850D8EFD2C02287EF7686
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Pričujoče diplomsko delo z naslovom Varnost cestnega prometa ob interventnih dogodkih na avtocestnem odseku Unec – Koper opisuje trenutno problematiko varnosti cestnega prometa na omenjenem avtocestnem odseku. Ne gre zanemariti dejstva, da se ob daljših zastojih zaradi prometnih nesreč ali ob drugih izrednih dogodkih v stoječih kolonah med drugimi pojavi na stotine tovornih vozil in tako zaradi nepravočasne dostave korporacijam in posledično državam nastaja velika gospodarska škoda. V tem trenutku nadzor prometa na primorski avtocesti izvajata Postaja prometne policije Koper, ki je nastanjena v Škofijah pri Kopru, in DARS, ki ima svoji »bazi« v Postojni in Kozini. Omenjeni del avtoceste je eden izmed najbolj obremenjenih delov avtocestnega križa v Republiki Sloveniji, kar dokazujejo statistični podatki, iz katerih je razvidno, da se število udeležencev v cestnem prometu iz leta v leto povečuje. Avtocestni odsek je umeščen v slovenski prostor med gorskim masivom Nanos in Jadranskim morjem in v zanimivosti skriva več kritičnih točk ali cestnih objektov, kot so predori, viadukti, useki, prelazi, prav tako pa mnoge pasti za udeležence v cestnem prometu. Poudarek raziskave je na profesionalnem in strokovnem nudenju pomoči ter skrbi za varnost udeležencev prometa ob interventnih dogodkih zaradi preiskovanja prometnih nesreč in drugih izrednih interventnih dogodkov, kot so vremenske razmere, ter kako naj bi intervencijska služba delovala, ukrepala in sodelovala z drugimi pristojnimi službami, da bi se znal uporabnik avtoceste pravočasno, optimalno in učinkovito odzivati na težave in probleme. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz sedmih poglavij in njihovih podpoglavij. V uvodu je opredeljen problem in predmet raziskave, drugi del opisuje predstavitev trenutne varnostne situacije, tretji del opisuje predstavitev služb in institucij, ki skrbijo za varnost cestnega prometa na avtocesti, v četrtem delu je predstavljen problem, v petem je predstavljena vloga in pomen policije ter DARS-a, v šestem poglavju je opisana razprava in predlogi za izboljšavo, v sedmem poglavju pa je opisan zaključek avtorja in njegova videnja.
Keywords:promet, cestni promet, avtoceste, varnost, intervencije, izredni dogodki, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:G. Lukaček]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44910 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2826474 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.08.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis entitled Traffic safety during intervention events on the motorway section Unec – Koper describes the current issue of road safety on that motorway section. We should not overlook the fact that in long traffic jams caused by road accidents or other emergency events in standing traffic queues, among others, there are hundreds of heavy goods vehicles, therefore, due to late delivery, this causes important economic damage to corporations, and consequently countries. Currently, the traffic control on the littoral motorway is carried out by the Koper police station, which is located in Škofije near Koper, and DARS (Motorway Company of the Republic of Slovenia), which has its bases in the towns of Postojna and Kozina. This part of the motorway is one of the most congested parts of the motorway network in the Republic of Slovenia, as evidenced by statistics showing that the number of road users increases every year. The motorway section is placed in the Slovenian territory between the Nanos massif and the Adriatic Sea, and besides attractions, it hides several critical points or road structures, such as tunnels, viaducts, cuttings, passes, as well as many traps for road users. The focus of research is on providing professional and technical support and concern for the safety of road users during emergency events in order to investigate traffic accidents and other emergency intervention events, such as weather conditions, and getting to know how the intervention agency would work, act and cooperate with other competent authorities to enable motorway users to timely, as well as in an optimal and efficient manner respond effectively to problems and issues. This thesis consists of seven chapters and their sub-chapters. The introduction defines the problem and the subject of research, the second chapter describes the presentation of the current security situation, the third part chapter provides the presentation of services and institutions responsible for road safety on motorways, the fourth chapter addresses the problem, the fifth chapter presents the role and importance of police and DARS, the sixth chapter contains the discussion and suggestions for improvement, and the seventh chapter provides author´s conclusion and his vision.


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