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Title:Učinek giberelinov na razvoj plodičev pri hruški sorte 'Viljamovka'
Authors:ID Sovdat, Lea (Author)
ID TOJNKO, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: E050A9440282D46B0B53DCC33F2F80E5
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2008 smo na zasebnem posestvu blizu Nove Gorice izvedli poskus z giberelini na hruški sorte 'Viljamovka'. Ugotavljali smo vpliv GA3 na zavezanost plodičev na drevesu. Gibereline smo aplicirali foliarno v času cvetenja, v različnih koncentracijah in terminih in sicer: 1. obravnavanje: 5 g GA3/ha v terminu 20−30 % odprtih cvetov + 5 g GA3/ha v polno odprte cvetove, 2. obravnavanje: 10 g GA3/ha v terminu 20−30 % odprtih cvetov + enak odmerek giberelinov v času polnega cvetenja, 3. obravnavanje: 10 g GA3/ha v polnem cvetenju, 4. obravnavanje: 20 g GA3/ha v polnem cvetenju, 5. obravnavanje: 10 g GA3/ha v terminu 20−30 % odprtih cvetov, 6. obravnavanje: 20 g GA3/ha v terminu 20‒30 % odprtih cvetov in 7. obravnavanje: kontrola- netretirana drevesa. Izračunan koeficient rodnosti je bil najvišji pri kontrolnih drevesih (0,42), pri tretiranih pa v obravnavanju št. 3 in 5 (0,4 oz 0,39). Najmanjši koeficient rodnosti so dosegla drevesa v obravnavanju 1 in 6 (0,24). Z GA3 tretirana drevesa niso imela dokazljivo večjega števila plodov in višjih koeficientov rodnosti od netretiranih – kontrolnih dreves, torej GA3 v našem primeru ni izboljšal zavezanosti plodičev.
Keywords:Giberelini, hruška, Viljamovka, partenokarpija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44302 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.05.2014
SOVDAT, Lea, 2014, Učinek giberelinov na razvoj plodičev pri hruški sorte “Viljamovka” [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=44302
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of gibberellin treatmens on fruit set of pear 'Wiliams'
Abstract:In the year 2008 we were studying the influence of gibberellin treatmens on fruit set and fertility rate of pears cv. 'Wiliams'. The experiment took place on property near N. Gorica. The trees, included into the experient, were divided into seven treatments, representing different time of blossom, dosage and number of treatments. The seven treatments are listed below: Treatment 1: 5 g of GA3/ha sprayed during 20−30 % of blossom + 5 g GA3/ha sprayed at full blossom, treatment 2: 10 g GA3/ha sprayed at 20−30 % of blossom + 10 g GA3/ha at the full blossom, treatment 3: 10 g GA3/ha at the full blossom, treatment 4: 20 g GA3/ha at the full blossom, treatment 5: 10 g GA3/ha sprayed at 20−30 % of blossom, treatment 6: 20 g GA3/ha sprayed at 20‒30 % of blossom, treatment 7: non-treated trees. The trees of treatment 7, the non-treated trees, achived the highest fertility rate. The trees of treatment 3 and treatment 5 (0,4 and 0,39) achived the highest fertility rate among the GA3 treated trees. The lowest fertility rate was observed in treatment 1 and 6 (0,24). In our conditions we did not achieve the expected higher fertility rate with GA3 treated blossom trees.
Keywords:Gibberellins, pear, Wiliams, partenocarpy


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