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Title:Večkriterijsko optimiranje strege pri montaži z evolucijskim pristopom
Authors:ID Gerčar, Primož (Author)
ID Brezočnik, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Gercar_Primoz_2014.pdf (7,08 MB)
MD5: A8988586544EA1E7D46191D02F1DA5D1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava večkriterijsko optimizacijo strege v prilagodljivem montažnem sistemu z evolucijskim pristopom. Prvi del magistrskega dela vsebuje splošen pregled inteligentnih proizvodnih sistemov, naprednih montažnih sistemov, strege v prilagodljivih montažnih sistemih ter pregled nekaterih pomembnih sodobnih evolucijskih algoritmov. Sledijo opisi večkriterijske optimizacije in različni pristopi za njeno izvedbo. Drugi del naloge zajema praktičen primer optimiranja strege, zasnovo in izdelavo lastnega sistema za večkriterijsko optimiranje razmestitve in strege ter ovrednotenje dobljenih rezultatov v obliki preglednic in diagramov. Optimizacija montažnega procesa je bila izvedena z lastnim sistemom s poljubno določenim tlorisom montažne hale, poljubno umestitvijo montažnih strojev v prostor ter določitvijo karakteristik montažnih strojev in izdelkov za montažo. Sledila je optimizacija po stroškovnem kriteriju z izborom strojev, razvrstitvijo izdelkov med stroje ter optimizacijo strege. Med izvajanjem montažnega procesa po stroškovnem optimizacijskem kriteriju se je zaradi potrebe po pohitritvi procesa izvršil prehod na nov montažni scenarij po časovnem optimizacijskem kriteriju. Dosežena je bila pohitritev montažnega procesa z nekaj višjimi obdelovalnimi stroški in sposobnost prilagajanja optimizacijskega sistema različnim zahtevam. Raziskava je pokazala, da je v nalogi razvit sistem praktično uporaben in sicer za optimizacijo v prilagodljivih proizvodnih sistemih kot so montažni sistemi, obdelovalni sistemi, skladiščni sistemi ali sistemi s serijsko proizvodnjo. Uporabimo ga lahko tudi pri snovanju novega prilagodljivega proizvodnega sistema ali pri razporejanju novih strojev v obdelovalni proces.
Keywords:prilagodljivi obdelovalni sistemi, prilagodljivi montažni sistemi, optimiranje strege, razmeščanje naprav, večkriterijska optimizacija, evolucijsko računanje, genetski algoritmi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Gerčar]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44053 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17847830 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.05.2014
Categories:KTFMB - FS
GERČAR, Primož, 2014, Večkriterijsko optimiranje strege pri montaži z evolucijskim pristopom [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : P. Gerčar. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=44053
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Secondary language

Title:Multi-criteria optimization of handling in assembly by evolutionary approach
Abstract:Master's thesis deals with a multi-criteria optimization problem of classification and handling in a flexible assembly system by evolutionary approach. The first part of the master thesis includes a state-of-the-art about intelligent manufacturing systems, advanced assembly systems, handling in flexible assembly systems, and a review of some important up-to-date evolutionary algorithms. In addition, the descriptions of multi-criteria optimization are given as well as different approaches for its implementation. The second part of thesis describes the practical example of handling optimization. Herein, a new system for multi-criteria optimization is planned and developed for classification and handling in assembly. Finally, the gained results are evaluated and presented in the form of tables and diagrams. The assembly optimization is implemented by newly-developed system, where the layout of assembly hall, the placement of assembly machines in space, and the characteristics of assembly machines and products for assembly are optionally defined. Afterwards, the optimization according to cost criterion is followed by the selection of machines, the classification of products between machines and handling optimization. During the realization of assembly process regarding to the cost optimization criterion, the need of speed-up the process is appeared; therefore, the transition to the new assembly scenario is accomplished according to the time optimization criterion. The assembly process became faster with a bit higher operational costs. Also, the ability of the optimization system to adjust of different requirements is achieved. Research has shown that newly-developed system can be practically applicable for the optimization in flexible manufacturing systems such as assembly systems, manufacturing systems, storage systems or systems with serial production. It can also be used for the designing of new flexible production system or arrangement of new machines in the treatment procedure.
Keywords:flexible manufacturing systems, flexible assembly systems, optimization of handling, devices classification, multi-criteria optimization, evolutionary calculation, genetic algorithms


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