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Authors:ID Maltar, Ivana (Author)
ID Ferjan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 39313B84A7DEF2B718F65CA0B55AD648
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Človeštvo si že dolgo časa želi, da bi bili vsi posamezniki v družbi enakopravni, da ne bi več obstajala razdeljenost človeštva zaradi različnih socialnih razredov. Z razvijanjem gospodarske moči Evrope so različni raziskovalci predvidevali, da bodo te razlike sčasoma zbledele, ampak se žal to ni zgodilo. Zdi se nam, da so se socialni razredi v času nove gospodarske krize še bolj poglobili in se razlike med socialnimi razredi čutijo bolj kot kadar koli. Zaradi tega smo se odločili pisati o težavah, ki nastajajo pri zaposlovanju in napredovanju na delovnem mestu posameznikov in posameznic različnih socialnih statusov. Predvsem nas zanima kakšno možnost ima posameznik, da spremeni svoj družbeni razred z napredovanjem na karierni poti in ali je družbena kategorizacija ovira, ki se postavlja pred posameznika in njegovo željo po napredovanju na delovnem mestu. Z raziskavo smo želeli poizvedovati kakšni so odnosi med dejavniki socialnega porekla in stopnjo izobrazbe posameznika, družbenim razredom posameznika in pripravljenostjo na dodatna izobraževanja in napredovanja na delovnem mestu, ter v kolikšni meri socialni razred vpliva na hitrost pridobitve prve zaposlitve. Raziskavo smo izvedli s spletnim vprašalnikom, ki je bil naključno razdeljen med prebivalce Republike Slovenije. Z raziskovalno nalogo smo prišli do sklepa, da se še zmeraj ohranja podedovani družbeni razred, da predvsem posamezniki nižjega socialnega statusa ohranjajo status svojih staršev. Zanimivo je, da se dogajajo premiki pri zaposlovanju, saj delodajalcem ni več pomembno iz katerega družbenega razreda posameznik izhaja, ampak vse več izbirajo posameznike, ki razpolagajo z novejšimi znanji, boljšimi sposobnostmi in zagnanostjo. Iz raziskovalnega dela je razvidno, da so tudi te prednosti osnova za napredovanje na delovnem mestu. Presenečeni smo bili z rezultati raziskave saj nam ni uspelo dokazati, da obstaja povezava med materialnim statusom gospodinjstva in hitrostjo pridobitvie prve zaposlitve. Na žalost pa se ne glede na spremembe mnenja delodajalcev pri zaposlitvi in napredovanju zaposlenih, ne spreminja pripisani družbeni položaj. Še vedno se ohranja družbeni razred in dosežena stopnja izobrazbe znotraj okvirov družine.
Keywords:družbeni razredi, družbena mobilnost, kariera, napredovanje v karieri
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44049 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7304723 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.06.2014
MALTAR, Ivana, 2014, VPLIV SOCIALNEGA POREKLA NA KARIERO [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=44049
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Secondary language

Abstract:For a long time the mankind wished to to be equal among the whole society and that there will not be any social class division between people. By developing the economic strength of Europe, various researchers have assumed that these differences faded with time, but unfortunately this did not happen. It seems to us that the social classes deepend further during the new economic crisis and that the differences between social classes can be felt more than ever. For this reason we have decided to write about the problem of recruitment and advancement in the workplace of individuals of different social statuses. Our primary interest are the opportunities of the individuals to change their social class by advancing on their career path and whether social categorization is a barrier that confronts the individuals who want to progress in the workplace. The main topic of the study was to inquire about relations between factors of social origin and educational level of the individual, social class and individual readiness for further education and advancement in the workplace and how social class affects the speed of obtainin a first job. The research was conducted by an online questionnaire, which was randomly distributed among all the people of the Republic of Slovenia. With this research we have come to the conclusion that the inherited social class is it still maintained and that particularly individuals of lower social status tend to maintain the status of their parents. It is interesting movements in employment have began to happen because for employers it is no longer important from which social class the individuals come from; it is more important for individuals to have the latest and updated knowledge, better skills and enthusiasm. From the research it is clear that these advantages are also the basis for career advancement. We were surprised by the results of the research, because we have failed to demonstrate that there is a link between the material status of the household and the acquisition speed of the first job. Unfortunately, regardless of changes in the views of employers in recruitment and promotion of employees, imputed social status does not change. Social class and level of education are still maintained within the framework of the family.
Keywords:social classes, social mobility, career, career advancement


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