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Title:Možnosti napovedovanja hujših kaznivih dejanj : (množičnih umorov, terorističnih napadov)
Authors:ID Mertük, Jure (Author)
ID Umek, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Mertuk_Jure_i2014.pdf (1,56 MB)
MD5: 3CD46626FF90B09DC9B47880D34C4CFA
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Terorizem in množični umori dandanes predstavljajo veliko grožnjo povsod po svetu. Ni ga namreč dela sveta, ki bi bil odporen na to obliko grožnje. Zato bi za učinkovit boj proti terorizmu in množičnim umorom bilo potrebno sodelovanje med varnostni organi različnih držav na vseh ravneh zagotavljanja varnosti. Vendar pa se pri tem pojavlja veliko ovir, saj problem nastopi že pri opredelitvi posameznih pojmov. Tako se za terorizem na različnih koncih sveta uporabljajo različne definicije in klasifikacije, kajti kar je za nekoga terorizem, lahko za drugega predstavlja zgolj borbo za svobodo. Ta neenotnost torej ovira mednarodno sodelovanje v boju zoper terorizem in množične umore. Še večjo oviro pa v zadnjih letih predstavlja razvoj svetovnega spleta oz. interneta, ki omogoča lažjo komunikacijo med podobno mislečimi posamezniki iz celega sveta. Internet je tako močno olajšal in pospešil proces radikalizacije. To so spoznale tudi teroristične organizacije, ki v zadnjih letih uspešno uporabljajo internet za namene pridobivanja novih članov in financiranja svojih dejavnosti. Pomembno vlogo pa je internet odigral tudi pri razmahu samomorilskega terorizma in teroristov samotarjev. Posameznikom namreč omogoča, da na internetu poiščejo posameznike ali skupine, ki podpirajo njihov radikalne poglede na svet in jih tako napeljujejo k ukrepanju. Prav tako pa internet posameznikom služi kot orodje za učenje, kajti na njem lahko najdejo veliko nasvetov in načrtov za pripravo in izvedbo napadov. Internet torej služi kot pomembno orodje za radikalizacijo posameznikov ali skupin, zato bi bilo potrebno vzpostaviti programe ozaveščanja posameznikov in skupin glede opozorilnih znakov in de-radikalizacije. Obstaja namreč veliko stvari, ki jih lahko posameznik ali družba kot celota naredimo, da zmanjšamo posameznikove možnosti za pridružitev teroristični skupini ali odločitev, da gre na morilski pohod, kot se je to zgodilo v primeru Breivik. V luči razmaha interneta, kot uporabnega orodja za širjenje ekstremizma, se je v zadnjih letih okrepilo delovanje varnostnih služb na področju razvijanja programske opreme, ki bi omogočala lažje odkrivanje potencialno nevarnih posameznikov in skupin.
Keywords:terorizem, teroristi, množični umori, preprečevanje, analiza primera, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Mertük]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43867 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2768362 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.04.2014
MERTÜK, Jure, 2014, Možnosti napovedovanja hujših kaznivih dejanj : (množičnih umorov, terorističnih napadov) [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Mertük. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=43867
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Secondary language

Abstract:Terrorism and mass murder nowadays posse a huge threat all around the world. Not a single part of the world is immune against this threat. Therefore, to ensure a successful fight against terrorism, a cooperation between safety authorities of different countries on all stages of providing safety, is necessary. However, the situation poses many obstacles, because a problem already occurs in the definition of the terms. Different parts of the world use different definitions and classifications, because what is for someone considered as terrorism may be interpreted by another only as a struggle for freedom. This lack of uniformity is disturbing the international cooperation in their fight against terrorism and mass killings. Another, much bigger obstacle in recent years, poses the development of World Wide Web. It facilitates a much easier way of communication between like-minded individuals from around the world. It is fair to say, the Internet has greatly facilitated and accelerated the process of radicalization. This has been recognized by terrorist organizations, which in recent years successfully used the Internet, for the purpose of acquiring new members and funding their activities. The internet also played an important role in the growth of suicide terrorism and “lone wolf” terrorists. It enables individuals to find individuals or groups which support their radical views of the world and thereby incite them into action. Also, the Internet serves as a tool for individuals to learn, because you can find lots of tips and plans for the preparation and execution of attacks. The Internet thus serves as an important tool for the radicalization of individuals or groups. Therefore it would be necessary to establish awareness programs for individuals and groups, regarding the warning signs and de - radicalization. There are several things, which an individual or society as a whole can do, in order to reduce the chances of an individual joining a terrorist group or deciding to go on a killing spree, as happened in the case of Breivik. In the light of the proliferation of the Internet, as a useful tool for spreading extremism, the functioning of security services in the field of software development has strengthened in recent years, which could result in an easier detection of potentially dangerous individuals and groups.


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