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Authors:ID Hribar, Simona (Author)
ID Fošnarič, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 9D0E0BAA70F109329D8EBCC648D13690
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi z naslovom Poučevanje začetnega naravoslovja v kontekstu profesionalnega razvoja bodočih učiteljev razrednega pouka so predstavljene dimenzije profila bodočih učiteljev razrednega pouka o pojmovanju znanosti, njihovo čutno zaznavanje oz. dojemanje pojmovanja znanosti in stališča do poučevanja začetnega naravoslovja pri pouku. V teoretični del je vključena opredelitev pojma začetno naravoslovje, odnos in vloga učiteljev do poučevanja ter strategije, metode in oblike dela pri poučevanju začetnega naravoslovja. Prav tako so zapisane učiteljske kompetence ter dimenzije za proučevanje stališč o pojmovanju znanosti pri začetnem naravoslovju. Predstavljeni so nacionalni standardi znanja začetnega naravoslovja, ob koncu teoretičnega dela pa sta dodani primerjava slovenskih in nekaterih tujih predmetnikov univerzitetnih študijskih programov razrednega pouka in primerjava slovenskih učnih načrtov univerzitetnih študijskih programov razrednega pouka za področje začetnega naravoslovja. Namen empiričnega dela je bil ugotoviti stališča bodočih učiteljev razrednega pouka do poučevanja začetnega naravoslovja ter njihov odnos do naravoslovja in znanosti nasploh. Izhajali smo iz predvidevanj, opirajoč se na ugotovitve tujih podobnih raziskav. Zanimala so nas stališča študentov v različnih razsežnostih o pojmovanju znanosti, stališča do čutnega zaznavanja oz. dojemanja pojmovanja znanosti ter stališča do poučevanja začetnega naravoslovja. Pri vseh omenjenih vidikih raziskovalnega problema smo preverjali obstoj razlik glede na študente začetnih in končnih letnikov razrednega pouka ter obstoj razlik glede na okolico. Preverjali smo tudi korelacijo med stališči študentov razrednega pouka do čutnega zaznavanja oz. dojemanja pojmovanja znanosti in stališči študentov do poučevanja začetnega naravoslovja. Poleg tega smo rezultate slovenskega vzorca populacije primerjali s tujimi raziskavami o stališčih bodočih učiteljev do različnih razsežnosti o pojmovanju znanosti, do čutnega zaznavanja oz. dojemanja pojmovanja znanosti ter do poučevanja začetnega naravoslovja s študenti razrednega pouka, torej bodočimi učitelji, v Ameriki in Aziji. Uporabili smo lestvico stališč s 66 trditvami, sestavljeno iz treh sklopov vprašanj s petstopenjsko lestvico. Prvi sklop je zajemal 24 trditev o stališčih študentov do različnih razsežnosti o pojmovanju znanosti, drugi 15 trditev stališč študentov do čutnega zaznavanja oz. dojemanja pojmovanja znanosti, tretji pa 22 trditev o stališčih študentov do poučevanja začetnega naravoslovja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 276 študentov prvih in četrtih letnikov razrednega pouka, ki študirajo na vseh treh slovenskih univerzah, v Ljubljani, Kopru in Mariboru. V raziskavi smo ugotovili različna stališča bodočih učiteljev v Sloveniji ter Ameriki in Aziji, medtem ko bistvenih razlik v stališčih med univerzami v isti državi nismo odkrili. Pri ugotavljanju stališč bodočih učiteljev do poučevanja začetnega naravoslovja so tako slovenski kot ameriški študentje pokazali pozitiven premik v odnosu do znanosti. S pozitivnim odnosom in razumevanjem znanosti ter znanstvenih konceptov lahko torej sklepamo, da imajo študentje razrednega pouka dobre predispozicije za učinkovito in produktivno poučevanje naravoslovnih vsebin na poklicni poti.
Keywords:bodoči učitelji, začetno naravoslovje, profesionalni razvoj, kompetence učiteljev, razumevanje znanosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Hribar]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43334 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20278024 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.01.2014
HRIBAR, Simona, 2014, POUČEVANJE ZAČETNEGA NARAVOSLOVJA V KONTEKSTU PROFESIONALNEGA RAZVOJA BODOČIH UČITELJEV RAZREDNEGA POUKA [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Hribar. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=43334
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching elementary science in the context of professional development of the future preservice elementary teachers
Abstract:This master's thesis entitled Teaching elementary science in the context of professional development of the future preservice elementary teachers introduces the dimensions of the profile of the preservice elementary teachers, it introduces their conception of science, their sensory perception or understanding of the conception of science and their attitudes toward science teaching. The theoretical part includes the definition of the concept of elementary science, the description of the attitude of teachers towards teaching and their role in teaching, as well as the strategies, methods and ways of work when teaching elementary science. The thesis also discusses teachers' competences and dimensions for examining positions on the conception of science regarding elementary science. The thesis represents national knowledge standards in regard to elementary science, and in the end of the theoretical part a comparison of Slovene and certain foreign curriculums of the university studies' programs and a comparison of different Slovene university studies' syllabuses for the field of elementary science are added. The objective of the empirical part was to discover positions of the future preservice elementary teachers on teaching elementary science and to establish their attitude towards natural sciences and science in general. We built on suppositions, basing ourselves on findings from similar foreign studies. We were interested in the positions of students on different dimensions of the conception of science, their positions on sensory perception or understanding of the conception of science and their positions on teaching elementary science. We were verifying, in all the aspects of the research topic, the existence of differences between students of the starting and finishing years, as well as the existence of environment-related differences. Besides that we compared the results of the research done on a Slovenian study sample with the foreign studies about the positions of future teachers on the different dimensions of the conception of science, on sensory perception or understanding of the conception of science, as well as their positions on teaching elementary science, that were performed on American and Asian students, future preservice elementary teachers. We used a scale of positions containing 66 statements, composed of three groups of questions that had to be answered on a scale from 1 to 5. The first group contained 24 statements about the positions of students on the different dimensions of the conception of science, the second group contained 15 statements about the positions of students on sensory perception or understanding of the conception of science, and the third group contained 22 statements about the positions of students on teaching elementary science. The research was based on 276 students of the first and last years that attend all the three Slovenian universities, in Ljubljana, Koper and Maribor. The study revealed different positions of the future teachers in Slovenia, America and Asia, however there are no major discrepancies in the positions of students studying in the same country. The research regarding the positions of future teachers on teaching elementary science showed that both, Slovene and foreign students, have acquired a more positive attitude towards science. We can deduct on the basis of the positive attitude towards science and its understanding that the students have good predispositions for the effective and productive teaching of science in their professional career.
Keywords:preservice elementary teachers, elementary science, professional development, teacher competence, scinece understanding


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