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Title:Izdelava nekomercialnega učila uporabnega pri pouku kemije za potrebe medpredmetne povezave kemija - fizika
Authors:ID Dolar, Nina (Author)
ID Sikošek, Darinka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Dolar_Nina_2013.pdf (1,91 MB)
MD5: 4BB2544F10F171367F6916FCB7A56F9E
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:V vzgojno izobraževalnih ustanovah že dolgo ni več aktualen tradicionalen način poučevanja. Učitelji se trudijo z novimi metodami dela in tehnikami popestriti pouk in omogočiti učencem lažje razumevanje kompleksnejših pojmov, ki si jih je težko predstavljati ali pa so za človeško oko celo nevidni. Pri tem uporabljajo razna učna sredstva in pripomočke – učila. Učila pritegnejo učenčevo pozornost in v njih vzbudijo radovednost ter željo po novem znanju. Večinoma so narejena tako, da so dostopna učencem, da jih lahko tudi sami uporabljajo in se s tem urijo v samoučenju. Zaradi prizadevanja inovativnosti v poučevanju, smo se odločili izdelati svoje nekomercialno učilo. Ker se nahajamo na korelaciji dveh naravoslovnih znanosti kemije in fizike, smo iskali učno vsebino, ki je zajeta v učnih načrtih obeh področij. Osredotočili smo se na atomski svet in sicer na prehode elektronov med energijskimi stanji ter zanj izdelali praktično nekomercialno učilo, ki smo ga poimenovali "Po klancu gor in dol". Predstavlja pa analogijo med avtomobilčkom, ki se povzpne na vrh klanca in zdrsne dol, pri tem pa zagori lučka na klancu in prehodi elektronov med energijskimi stanji v atomu. Naše nekomercialno učilo je namenjeno za potrebe pri poučevanju predmetov kemije in fizike v srednješolskih izobraževalnih programih, predvsem na gimnazijskem programu in programu Kemijski tehnik. Nekomercialno učilo smo preizkusili pri realizaciji učne enote in ugotavljali, če res pripomore k lažjemu razumevanju izbrane učne teme.
Keywords:Kompleksni kemijski pojmi, učna sredstva, učni pripomočki, učila, samoučenje, inovativnost, nekomercialno učilo, kemija, fizika, analogija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Dolar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43216 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20251144 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.01.2014
DOLAR, Nina, 2013, Izdelava nekomercialnega učila uporabnega pri pouku kemije za potrebe medpredmetne povezave kemija - fizika [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Dolar. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=43216
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Secondary language

Title:Making of non-commercial teaching aid useful at teaching chemistry for the purposes of cross-curicular connection chemistry – physics
Abstract:Traditional way of education has not been actual in educational institutions for a long time. The teachers are trying new methods of work and techniques to diversify lessons and enable students an easier undestanding of complex concepts, which are hard to imagine or even invisible to a human eye. Doing so they use various teaching tools and utilities – teaching aid. They draw the attention of a student and provoke curiosity and the need for new knowledge. They are mostly made in a way accessible to the students so that they can use them and train themselves in teaching themselves. Besause of trying to be innovative in teaching we have decided to make our own non-commercial teaching aid. Because we are on correlation of two natural sciences, chemistry and physics, we searched for learning content which is captured in both curricula. We focused on atomic world, namely on transition of electrons between energy states and made for it a practical non-commercial teaching aid which we named ''Up and down the hill''. It represents level between a car which goes up the hill and slips down at which time a light illuminates on the hill and transitions of electrons between energy states in an atom. Our non-commercial teaching aid is intended to be used for the needs of teaching classes of chemistry and physics in high-school educational programmes, mostly on gymnasium and programme Chemical techniques. We tested the non-commercial teaching aid at realization of teaching unit and determined if it really helps with an easier understanding of chosen teaching theme.
Keywords:Complex chemical terms, teaching aids, teaching utilities, means of instruction, learning ourselves, innovation, non-commercial means of instruction, chemistry, physics, level.


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