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Authors:ID Zidarič, Petra (Author)
ID Pišlar, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Muršec, Mojca (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Zidaric_Petra_2013.pdf (1,47 MB)
MD5: 8F0749A942BAAD820FC72C99D3EB8149
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Število nujnih stanj, obolenj in poškodb, ki zahtevajo in potrebujejo nujno medicinsko pomoč, je danes veliko. Duševne bolezni imajo svojo specifičnost, opredeljene so kot vedenjske ali psihološke spremembe, ki opravičujejo psihiatrično zdravljenje. Takojšnje zdravljenje prepreči napredovanje slabšanja psihičnega stanja in v skrajnih primerih hetero ali avto agresivno vedenje. Področje urgentne zdravstvene nege in zdravstvene oskrbe življenjsko ogroženega bolnika zahteva izvajalce, ki nimajo samo visoke strokovne izobrazbe, ampak tudi dodatna znanja. Njeni izvajalci/izvajalke prevzemajo vedno nove naloge, za katere morajo biti kompetentni. V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno in kvantitativno raziskovalno metodo dela. Podatke smo pridobili iz programa IRIS v zdravstvenem domu Ormož za obdobje od leta 2008 – do leta 2013. Želeli smo ugotoviti, katere so najpogostejše psihične motnje, ki zahtevajo urgenco na terenu, in za koliko se je število urgenc v obravnavanem obdobju povečalo ali zmanjšalo. Analiza podatkov je pokazala, da se je število urgenc zaradi duševnih motenj v raziskovalnem obdobju v prvih dveh letih povečevalo, zadnje leto pa je upadlo. Če pa vzamemo analizo celotnega obdobja, se je število urgenc na terenu povečevalo. Najpogostejša psihična motnja, ki se pojavlja v izvedenih urgencah zaradi psihičnih motenj, je duševna in telesna motnja zaradi uživanja alkohola. Če želimo, da bo v prihodnosti manj duševnih motenj, manj odvisnosti od alkohola in s tem povezanih urgenc na terenu, moramo dati poudarek predvsem preventivi in zdravem načinu življenja.
Keywords:urgenca, psihične motnje, zdravstvena nega, medicinska sestra, bolnik
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Zidrič]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42857 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1974436 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.12.2013
ZIDARIČ, Petra, 2013, URGENCA »DUŠEVNE MOTNJE« [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : P. Zidrič. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=42857
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Secondary language

Abstract:Nowadays, high rates of emergencies, illnesses and injuries, requiring urgent medical attention are observed. Mental disorders have their own specificity, defined as behavioural or psychological changes, justifing psychiatric treatment. Immediate treatment prevents progression of the deterioration of mental status, and in extreme cases, hetero - or autoagressive behaviour. Field of emergency nursing and health care of life threatened patients requires providers, who do not only have a college degree, but additional knowledge as well. Providers of the latter assume new tasks every day, for which they must be competent. In the thesis, we used descriptive nad quantitative research methods.The data were obtained from the IRIS program based in Health care center Ormož in the period of 2008 to 2013. Our aim was to determine most common mental disorders, requiring emergency interventions in outside settings, out of medical facilities, and changing rates of emergency interventions in the latter time period. The data analysis showed us, that the rates of emergency interventions increased. The most common mental disorder requiring emergency interventions is Mental and behavioural disorder due to alcohol consumption. In order to achieve lower prevalence of mental disorders in general population, lower prevalence of alcohol addiction and accordingly less emergency interventions in outside settings, we need to put an emphasis on prevention and healthy life style.
Keywords:emergency, mental disorders, nursing, nurse, patient


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