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Title:Tekočinsko zdravljenje hemoragičnega šoka
Authors:ID Lepan, Tamara (Author)
ID Koželj, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 29EFD98F63ED8F648626552810DF5826
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Zdravljenje s tekočinami je pomemben vidik nadzora poškodovancev s hemoragičnim šokom, zato je namen diplomskega dela predstaviti fiziologijo in patologijo hemoragičnega šoka, opisati vrste tekočin za nadomeščanje izgube krvi, ter vpliv tekočin na vitalne funkcije poškodovancev. Katero tekočino uporabiti je bila tema že večletnih razprav, vendar je še vedno premalo dokazov, ki bi dale prednost eni tekočini pred drugo. Vsaka vrsta tekočine ima svoje prednosti kot tudi slabosti, s preobremenitvijo s tekočinami lahko poškodovancu povzročimo več škode kot koristi. Zato smo tudi podrobneje opisali tekočine, kot so koloidi (albumin, želatini, dekstran in hidroksietilni škrob) v nasprotju s kristaloidi (natrijev klorid in Ringerjev laktat), njihove lastnosti in strukturo. Izvedena je bila kvantitativna raziskava s pomočjo vprašalnika in protokolov. Rešenih je bilo 30 anket na eni izmed Prehospitalnih enot Reševalne postaje po Sloveniji, z namenom ugotoviti splošno znanje zdravstvenega osebja (diplomirane medicinske sestre/zdravstveniki, tehniki zdravstvene nege) o hemoragičnemu šoku, ter izvedeti kako pogosto se srečajo s poškodovancem s sliko hemoragičnega šoka na terenu. Z vpogledom njihovih protokolov smo poskušali zbrati podatke o učinkih različnih vrst tekočin na spremembe v vitalnih funkcijah poškodovancev.
Keywords:Krvavitev, hemoragični šok, nadomeščanje tekočin, kristaloidi, koloidi, hipertonična-hiperonkotska raztopina, spremljanje šoka.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Lepan]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42536 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1974180 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.12.2013
LEPAN, Tamara, 2013, Tekočinsko zdravljenje hemoragičnega šoka [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Lepan. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=42536
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Secondary language

Title:Fluid resuscitation therapy of hemorrhagic shock
Abstract:Fluid resuscitation is essential aspect of the management of patients with hemorrhagic shock and that is why the purpose of this diploma was to present physiology and pathology of hemorrhagic shock, introduce the types of fluids for resuscitation and the effect of fluid resuscitation on improvement in patients vital signs. Which fluid should be used for this purpose has been a topic of ongoing debate for many years, yet is still little evidence to support one fluid over another. Each fluid type has specific benefits and with overloading fluids we can even cause more damage than good. That is why we presented colloids (albumin, gelatins, dextrans, and hydroxyethyl starches) versus crystalloids (saline solutions and Ringer's lactate), the structure and effects. The quantitative research data was gathered with the aid of a questionnaire and protocols. 30 questionnaires were sent to Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Unit in Slovenia, to find out about general knowledge among the medical staff (medical technician, graduate nurse) that they have on hemorrhagic shock and how often they found themselves with the patient with hemorrhagic shock in the field. With their protocols we tried to gathered information about the effects of fluids in the change in patient’s vital signs.
Keywords:Bleeding, hemorrhagic shock, fluid resuscitation, crystalloids, colloids, hypertonic-hyperoncotic solution, shock management.


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