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Title:Ozaveščenost populacije o akutni možganski kapi in GROM-u
Authors:ID Krajnc, Tanja (Author)
ID Nerat, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Krajnc_Tanja_2013.pdf (923,60 KB)
MD5: 056F1D3302BFD62A766787265B53AA97
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Akutna možganska kap je nenaden dogodek v osrednjem živčevju, ki hudo prizadene del možganov, tako da je njihovo delovanje moteno za več kot 24 ur. Vodi k nastanku značilnih simptomov, ki jih opazi bolnik sam in znakov, ki jih lahko opazi zunanji opazovalec. Za uspešno zdravljenje je izjemno pomembno pravočasno prepoznati simptome in znake možganske kapi ter pravilno ukrepati. Pri tem nam je v veliko pomoč kratica GROM, ki je izhodiščno geslo, s katerim v Sloveniji vstopamo v novo akcijo ozaveščanja populacije o opozorilnih znakih možganske kapi. Združuje namreč njihove začetnice, G oznanja prizadetost glasu oziroma govora, R prizadetost roke, O obraznih mišic, črka M pa oznanja, da štejejo minute in da se pri kapi vedno mudi. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti akutno možgansko kap in z raziskavo ugotoviti, ali anketirana populacija pozna možgansko kap in kratico GROM in ali jo zna uporabljati. Raziskovalna metodologija: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Kot inštrument raziskovanja smo uporabili polstrukturiran anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval 16 vprašanj. Raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal 107 naključno izbranih odraslih ljudi, različnih starostnih skupin. Anketo smo izvajali v mesecu aprilu 2012 na področju Maribora in njegove okolice. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da anketiranci sicer poznajo možgansko kap in njene tipične simptome, da pa dejansko ne bi znali pravilno ukrepati in nuditi nujne medicinske pomoči osebi, ki bi jo potrebovala. Prav tako jih več kot 2/3 še ni slišala za akronim GROM. Sklep: Dobra poučenost populacije, glede prepoznavanja možganske kapi in GROM-a, je ključnega pomena za uspešnost zdravljenja. Velik pomen ima zdravstveno vzgojno delo. Vloga medicinske sestre je z različnimi metodami in tehnikami poučevati populacijo o tem, kako prepoznati možgansko kap (simptome oziroma tipične znake možganske kapi) in kako se nanjo odzvati, nuditi nujno pomoč.
Keywords:možganska kap, dejavniki tveganja, veriga preživetja, nujna pomoč, G.R.O.M., zdravstvena vzgoja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Krajnc]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-41266 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1940388 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.10.2013
KRAJNC, Tanja, 2013, Ozaveščenost populacije o akutni možganski kapi in GROM-u [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Krajnc. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=41266
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Secondary language

Abstract:Background: Acute brain stroke is the sudden occurrence of the central nervous system, which seriously affects the part of the brain, so that their operation is interrupted for more than 24 hours. Leads to the formation of typical symptoms that are observed by the patient and the characters that can be seen outside observer. For successful treatment is extremely important time to recognize the signs and symptoms of stroke and know how to act properly. For this is a great help acronym FAST. It is a password to enter into a new campaign about population warning signs of stroke. Grouping of their initials F announces voice or speech impairment, disability limits A, S facial muscles, the letter T to announce that counting the minutes and that the stroke is always in a hurry. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to present an acute stroke and a survey to determine how many surveyed population is aware of stroke and acronym GROM and do they know how to use it. Research Methodology: In this thesis we used the descriptive method. As an instrument of research we used a semi-structured questionnaire containing 16 questions. The research sample consisted of 107 randomly selected adults of various age groups. The survey was conducted in April 2012 in Maribor and its surroundings. Results: The results showed that the respondents knows what stroke and typical symptoms are but does not actually know how to take action and provide emergency medical assistance to a person who might need it. Also more than 2/3 has not heard of the acronym of FAST. Conclusion: The good education of the population with regard to identification of stroke and FAST is crucial for the success of treatment. Health care work has also a great importance. The role of nurses with a variety of methods and techniques to teach the population about how to recognize a stroke (typical signs and symptoms of stroke) and how to respond to it to provide emergency aid.
Keywords:stroke risk factors, the chain of survival, emergency assistance, FAST, health education.


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