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Title:Metode protiobveščevalnega delovanja : študija arhivskega gradiva Republike Slovenije
Authors:ID Hribar, Gašper (Author)
ID Podbregar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivanuša, Teodora (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Hribar_Gasper_2013.pdf (1,13 MB)
MD5: DBAB121DAFF35970560C7BE6F365DB9E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Z magistrsko nalogo želimo prikazati in obrazložiti nekatere metode protiobveščevalnega delovanja, ki se jih je posluževala Služba državne varnosti. Tako želimo želimo seznaniti javnost s protiobveščevalno dejavnostjo ter jo opozoriti na tuje obveščevalno delovanje oziroma na resnični obstoj ‘vohunstva’, ki je prisotno tudi v Sloveniji. Dokazali smo, da se metodologije, metodike in metode protiobveščevalnega delovanja, ki so bile uporabljene v bližnji preteklosti, uporablja tudi danes in da se skozi čas bistveno niso spremenile oziroma se ne spreminjajo. Analizirali smo dostopno literaturo, pri čemer smo se osredotočili predvsem na dostopno arhivsko gradivo SDV, ki je takrat delovala v Socialistični republiki Sloveniji znotraj Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, na koncu pa tudi primerjali metode protiobveščevalnega delovanja nekoč in danes. Pri tem smo si pomagali z javno dostopnimi viri, ki v celoti ali vsaj delno razkrivajo metode sodobnih obveščevalno varnostnih/protiobveščevalnih služb (zakonodaja, članki, novice, uradni dokumenti ipd.). Analiza je tudi pokazala, da je zakonodaja posamezne države tista, ki določa etiko protiobveščevalnega delovanja. Na podlagi obeh potrjenih tez smo klenili, da je protiobveščevalno delovanje v določeni meri neodvisno od zakonodaje, vendar lahko nanj politika bistveno vpliva s spreminjanjem in ustvarjanjem zakonodaje.
Keywords:nacionalna varnost, obveščevalno-varnostni sistem, protiobveščevalna dejavnost, metode, Služba državne varnosti, SDV, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:G. Hribar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-41263 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2663146 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.10.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:The aim of thesis is to show and explain some of the methods of Counterintelligence that were used by the former State Security Service. In that way, we wish to inform people about Counterintelligence and warn them about the the real existence of foreign intelligence activities that are also present in Slovenia. We have shown that the methodology, methodics and methods of Counterintelligence, which have been used in the recent past, are used even today and have not significantly changed over time or have not changed at all. We analyzed the publicly available sources, mainly the archives of the former State Security Service, which then operated in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We compared the Counterintelligence methods used in the past with those used in modern time. For that we analyzed publicly available sources that are fully or at least partially revealing the methods of modern Counterintelligence services (legislation, articles, news, official documents etc.). The analysis also showed that the laws of each state are determining the ethics of Counterintelligence. Finally, we concluded that the Counterintelligence is operating independently of the legislation to some extent but it can be significantly influenced by policy, which is modifying and creating legislation.


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