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Title:Viktimologija in policijska dejavnost : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Denžič, Janja (Author)
ID Meško, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 7E27F71DB836ECAEDC669ED93159CDCD
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomskem delu obravnavamo viktimologijo in policijsko dejavnost, ki sta zelo široki družboslovni področji, zato predstavljamo le nekatere njune bistvene značilnosti in izhajamo iz obema skupnemu predmetu preučevanja, in sicer iz žrtve. V središču pozornosti viktimologije je žrtev, ki je pogostokrat predmet kontroverznosti in polemik. Nekateri pod ta pojem uvrščajo samo žrtve kaznivih dejanj, medtem ko drugi sem prištevajo še žrtve nesreč ali nezgod in naravnih katastrof. Posledično se viktimološka znanstvena disciplina deli na dve ravni, in sicer na kriminalistično in občo oz. splošno. Osnovni cilj viktimologije, ki ga viktimologija uresničuje s svojimi številnimi nalogami, je preiskovanje vzrokov kriminalitete z vidika žrtev, njen namen pa je preprečevati in zatirati kriminaliteto. Viktimologija je tako teoretična kot tudi aplikativna oz. praktična znanost. Njena spoznanja imajo torej praktično vrednost in so uporabna zlasti v policijski dejavnosti, ki jo danes izvajajo številne organizacije. Dominantno vlogo ima še vedno javna oz. državna policija, na katero se lahko žrtve kaznivih dejanj obrnejo 24 ur na dan, vse dni v tednu. Policisti in policistke, ki z žrtvami navežejo prvi stik, pa morajo biti za takšno delo ustrezno usposobljeni, saj je, v veliki meri, žrtvina nadaljnja pripravljenost za sodelovanje s sistemom kazenskega pravosodja odvisna prav od kakovosti vzpostavljenega prvega stika. Na začetku diplomskega dela so predstavljeni pojem viktimologija ter njen nastanek, obdobja in predmet preučevanja. Opredeljeni so tudi njene naloge in cilji ter vsa ostala področja, kot so tipologija žrtev, viktimogena preddispozicija in viktimizacija (vključno z njenimi oblikami in posledicami). V osrednjem delu diplomskega dela obravnavamo policijsko dejavnost, s poudarkom na javni oz. državni policiji, nadaljujemo s policijo in z opisom dela z žrtvami kaznivih dejanj ter zaključimo z verifikacijo hipotez.
Keywords:viktimologija, žrtve, viktimizacija, policijska dejavnost, preprečevanje kriminalitete, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Denžič]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-41253 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2684394 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.11.2013
DENŽIČ, Janja, 2013, Viktimologija in policijska dejavnost : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Denžič. [Accessed 13 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=41253
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis deals with victimology and police activities – two very broad fields of social studies. For this reason, only some of their main characteristics are presented. The focus is on the victim, which is the common subject of both studies. The focal point of victimology is the victim, whose definition is often subject to controversy and discussion. While some believe the term should be used only for the victims of criminal offences, others think it should also include victims of accidents and natural disasters. Consequently, victimology as a study is divided into two branches – penal and general victimology. The main goal of victimology, which is being implemented through its numerous tasks, is to investigate the causes for crime from the victim's point of view, while its purpose is to prevent and fight crime. Victimology is both a theoretical and applicative study. Its findings therefore also have practical value and are particularly useful in police work, which is being conducted today by various organisations. However, the public or state police force still has the dominant role here and victims of criminal offences can turn to the police 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Police officers who make first contact with the victims must be properly trained for this, as the victim's readiness to cooperate with the criminal justice system in the future largely depends on the quality of this first contact. In the first part of the thesis, the definition of victimology, its history and areas of interest are presented. Also presented are its tasks and goals and all other fields of study such as the typology of victims, predisposition for victimization, and victimization (including all of their types and consequences). The main part of the thesis deals with police activity with a special focus on the public or state police force and describes the police work with victims of criminal offences. The thesis concludes with the verification of hypotheses.


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