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Title:Terorizem v Siriji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Jug, Rok (Author)
ID Miklavčič, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 6876764DA279826ADC217080D8D694F8
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi je opisan terorizem v Siriji. Gre za svetovno znan problem, s katerim se trenutno ukvarja ves svet. Na začetku je podrobneje opisana Sirija in njena zgodovina, sledi terorizem, zadnji del diplomske naloge pa opisuje povod za nasilje v Siriji, oziroma nezadovoljstvo sirskega naroda nad režimom in nastalo državljansko vojno. Nezadovoljstvo ljudi nad sirsko oblastjo in režimom pod vodstvom predsednika Bašarja Al Asada se že dlje časa stopnjuje in samo vprašanje časa je bilo, kdaj bodo ljudje to pokazali. Iz mirnih protestov je nastala državljanska vojna, ki se je razvila do te mere, da so se začele vmešavati druge države. Na eni strani so nekatere države začele oboroževati upornike, pri tem pa pozivale sirskega predsednika k takojšnemu odstopu. Na drugi strani ima Sirija svoje države zaveznice, ki jim verjetno ugodno prodajajo dosti močnejše orožje, kot ga imajo na razpolago sirski uporniki. Kljub temu da so sirski uporniki slabše oboroženi, so v prednosti, saj mnogo vojakov sirske vojske ne zdrži pritiskov in pobegne preko meja ali prestopi na stran upornikov. V sirski državljanski vojni namreč prihaja do velike dileme, saj ljudje sploh ne vedo več proti komu se borijo. Čeprav je sirski predsednik Bašar Al Asad pred kratkim v govoru nagovarjal svoj narod, da ima vse pod nadzorom in se bo vojna kmalu končala, temu ni tako. Sirski uporniki so že zavzeli večji del Sirije, zato je samo še vprašanje časa o padcu Al Asadove oblasti. Situacija v Siriji se je zelo zakomplicirala, saj se vsi samo oborožujejo. Pozabljajo pa na nedolžno prebivalstvo, ki trpi in umira zaradi peščice vplivnih ljudi. Zlasti ZDA in zahodne države imajo že od nekdaj velik »apetit« po nafti arabskih držav. To so tudi že dokazali v nekaterih vojnah z drugimi arabskimi državami in prav tak scenarij se obeta Siriji. Sirski narod bi si v tej vojni rad izboril bolj svobodno življenje in več pravic, a kaj, ko ga nihče ne zaščiti pred nasiljem. Države, ki bi sirski narod lahko zaščitile, se ne želijo vmešavati ali pa vidijo le sirska naravna bogastva. Zaradi tega je terorizem oziroma državljanska vojna v tej državi do sedaj terjala že več kot 70.000 žrtev, več kot milijon Sircev je zbežalo iz države, več milijonov pa je pogrešanih in razseljenih. Sirijo je doletela gospodarska in humanitarna katastrofa.
Keywords:terorizem, teroristi, Sirija, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:R. Jug]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-41166 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2650858 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.10.2013
JUG, Rok, 2013, Terorizem v Siriji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : R. Jug. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=41166
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Secondary language

Abstract:Terrorism in Syria is described in a dissertation. It is worldly known problem, whole world engages in which at the moment. Terrorism is more in detail described Syria and her history, traces at the beginning, last part of a dissertation is describing cause for violence in Syria, and/or dissatisfaction of Syrian nation over regime and a formed civil war. Dissatisfaction of people is increased above Syrian power and regime under direction of the president of Bašar of Al Asad already for a long time and it was only question of time, people will show this sometimes. A civil war occurred from calm protests, that developed to this degree, that other states started to stir in. Some states started to arm rebels on one page, were challenging the Syrian president to an immediate resignation at this. On the other side of has Syria their state of ally, that are selling them enough stronger weapon probably to advantage, as rebels' he is Syrian available. In spite of this, that there are the Syrian rebels worse armed, they are in advantage, because many soldiers of Syrian army don't endure pressures and frontier or crossings on the page of rebels run away preko. Large dilemma namely is occurring in the Syrian civil war, because people at all any more aren't knowing they fight someone. Although is Syrian president Bašar Al Asad recently in language addressed own nation, that he has it all under supervision and a war will finish soon, it isn't such to this. The Syrian rebels already occupied major part of Syria, therefore there is still only question of time about the fall of Al of Asad's of power. Situation in Syria is very complicated, because all only are arming. They are forgetting innocent civilian population, that suffers and he is dieing because of handful of influential people. Especially United States and of western state have already from once large »appetite« round petroleum of Arab states. They already proved this within some snaps with other Arab states and Syria is promised right such script. Syrian nation would like to win freer life and more rights for Syrian nation within this snap, but something, when none protects them from violence. States stayed, that could protect Syrian nation, they don't want to interject or they see only natural wealths of Syria. Terrorism and violence in Syria claimed already more than 70,000 victims because of this so far, more than million them ran from state, more million are missed and displaced. The economic and charitable disaster befell Syria.


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