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Authors:ID Gračnar, Mateja (Author)
ID Korez-Vide, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Gracnar_Mateja_2013.pdf (609,95 KB)
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V literaturi lahko zasledimo mnogo definicij družbene odgovornosti. Vsem definicijam je skupno, da družbeno odgovorno poslovanje pripomore k izboljšanju blaginje celotne družbe, pri čemer podjetja upoštevajo njegove notranje in zunanje deležnike ter lastne interese. Skozi zgodovino so se spreminjali ne samo definicije, temveč tudi koncepti in modeli družbene odgovornosti. Med najbolj znanimi so koncept trojnega izida, tridelni in štirifazni model družbene odgovornosti organizacij ter Carrollova piramida, ki smo jo v empiričnem delu diplomskega seminarja aplicirali na primeru multinacionalnega podjetja. Med modele družbene odgovornosti uvrščamo tudi sodobno piramido družbene odgovornosti, ki predstavlja nadgradnjo Carrollove piramide. Podjetja svojo družbeno odgovornost vključujejo na številna področja njihovega poslovanja. Področja družbeno odgovornih aktivnosti podjetja so odnos do zaposlenih, odnos do naravnega okolja, odnos do kupcev in dobaviteljev, odnos do lokalne skupnosti in t. i. pravična trgovina. Spoznali smo, da podjetja pri svojem družbeno odgovornem poslovanju sledijo dvem ključnim motivom, in sicer moralnemu motivu, kjer podjetja poleg ustvarjanja dobička ustvarjajo dodatno vrednost za družbo kot celoto in ekonomskemu motivu, ki za podjetje pomeni večji ugled, lojalnost in zaželenost. Koristi, ki jih podjetja omenjajo po uvedbi družbene odgovornosti v svoje poslovanje, so hitrejša pridobitev kakovostnih kadrov, zvestoba kupcev in poslovnih partnerjev, boljši ugled podjetja, krepitev blagovne znamke, dobri odnosi z lokalno skupnostjo in državo, prepoznavanje potreb strank, večja privlačnost za investitorje ter konkurenčna prednost. Za spodbujanje družbene odgovornosti v Sloveniji, Evropski uniji in v svetu delujejo številne organizacije. Cilj teh organizacij je spodbujati vključevanje družbene odgovornosti v poslovanje podjetij. Te organizacije se zavedajo, da družbeno odgovorno ravnanje in zagotavljanje trajnostnega razvoja pozitivno vpliva na celotno družbo. V nadaljevanju diplomskega seminarja smo opredelili termin trajnostnega razvoja, ki je tesno povezan z načeli družbene odgovornosti. Preprosta definicija trajnostnega razvoja pravi, da mora sedanja družba poskrbeti, da današnja rast ne bo ogrozila možnosti rasti bodočih generacij. V empiričnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili dve multinacionalni podjetji, in sicer domače multinacionalno podjetja Krka d.d. ter tuje multinacionalno podjetje Coca-Cola Hellenic. Ti podjetji smo si izbrali zato, ker sodelujeta v mednarodnem poslovanju, hkrati pa gre za zelo prepoznavni podjetji. Njuno družbeno odgovornost ter zavzemanje za trajnostni razvoj smo prikazali z notranjimi in zunanjimi dejavniki. Glavna ugotovitev našega diplomskega seminarja izhaja iz spoznanja, da vključevanje podjetja v mednarodno poslovanje prinaša mnogo prednosti, hkrati pa prinaša tudi mnogo obveznosti in zahteva čas. Med prednostmi lahko izpostavimo večjo rast in razvoj podjetja, višjo dobičkonosnost, doseganje ekonomije obsega in višjo produktivnost. Družbeno odgovorno poslovanje pa podjetjem prinaša še kako pomembno konkurenčno prednost, ki zagotavlja trajnostni razvoj družbe.
Keywords:družbena odgovornost podjetij, trajnostni razvoj, mednarodno poslovanje, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Krka d.d.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Gračnar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40965 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11540508 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.10.2013
GRAČNAR, Mateja, 2013, DRUŽBENA ODGOVORNOST IN TRAJNOSTNI RAZVOJ V MEDNARODNEM POSLOVANJU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Gračnar. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=40965
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the literature we can find many definitions of social responsibility. All definitions have in common that the social responsible business operation can improve the well-being of the whole society, whereat the companies take into account the internal and external stakeholders and their own interests. Through the history not only the definitions but also the concepts and models of social responsibility have been changed. Among the most well-known are the concept of triple-bottom line approach, a three-part and a fourth-phase model of organization’s social responsibility and the Carroll pyramid, which was applied on the case of the multinational company in the empirical part of the diploma’s seminar Among the models of social responsibility also the modern pyramid of social responsibility is ranged, which represents a supplemented Carroll’s pyramid. Companies incorporate their social responsibility in the many areas of their business operation. The areas of company’s social responsible business activities are the relationship to employees, the relationship towards the natural environment, the relationship to the customers and suppliers, the relationship to the local community and i.e. fair trade. We have learned that companies follow two key motives in their social responsible business operation, namely a moral one, where companies in addition to profit-making create additional value for society as a whole, and the economic motive, which signifies for a company s a higher reputation, loyalty and desirability. Benefits, which are mentioned by the companies after the introduction of social responsibility into their business operation are faster acquisition of qualifying human resources, loyalty of the customers and business partners, better image of a company, brand strengthening, good relations with the local community and the state , identification of customers’ needs, greater attractiveness for investors and competitive advantage. To promote social responsibility in Slovenia, the European Union and in the world several organizations take an active part. The aim of these organizations is to promote the integration of corporate social responsibility into companies’ business operations. These organizations are aware that corporate social responsibility and sustainable development assurance have positive impact on a society as a whole. In the continuation of the diploma’s seminar, we define the conception of sustainable development, which is closely linked with the principles of social responsibility. A simple definition of sustainable development says, that the current society has to ensure that today’s growth will not compromise growth possibilities of future generations. In the empirical part of our diploma’s seminar we have presented two multinational companies, namely the local multinational company Krka d.d. and the foreign multinational company Coca-Cola Hellenic. We have chosen these companies because they cooperate in the international business and at the same time they are very known companies. In the diploma’s seminar their social responsibility and commitment to sustainable development have been demonstrated by internal and external factors. Our main finding of the diploma’s seminar arises from the realization that the involvement of companies in international business brings many advantages, at the same time it also brings a lot of engagement and demands time. Amongst the advantages the higher growth and development, higher profitability, achievement of economy of scale and higher productivity can be exposed. Socially responsible business operation brings to companies an extremely important competitive advantage, which ensures the sustainable development of society.
Keywords:corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, international business, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Krka d.d.


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