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Title:Zdravstvena nega pacienta po operaciji na odprtem srcu
Authors:ID Mernik, Anja (Author)
ID DONIK, BARBARA (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 4A49C265619D043D315B5B2F294A3A69
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo predstavili pogostost srčnih obolenj, ki je pri nas še vedno zelo razširjeno. Bolezni smo razdelili na prirojene in pridobljene. Prirojene bolezni se pojavljajo pri novorojenčkih in jih zdravimo operativno. Na pridobljene bolezni srca lahko vplivamo oziroma jih preprečimo z zdravim načinom življenja ter izogibanje dejavnikom tveganja. Na dejavnike kot sta starost in dednost žal ne moremo vplivati, lahko pa vplivamo na izogibanje nezdravega načina življenja kot so nezdrava prehrana, kajenje, prekomerno uživanje alkohola, debelost, premalo gibanja. Nezdrav življenjski slog lahko privede do hude srčne bolezni, ki lahko zahteva operativno zdravljenje. Pacient ob takšni novici potrebuje veliko podpore in spodbude svoje družine. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela smo opisali zdravstveno nego pacienta pred in med operacijo, ki zajema obdobje sprejema pacienta na oddelek, psihične in fizične priprave pacienta na operacijo, priprave pacienta na dan operacije, transport pacienta v operacijsko sobo, izvajanje zdravstvene nege med operacijo. Opisali smo pooperativno obdobje, ki se začne v sobi za zbujanje po operaciji in premestitvijo pacienta na enoto intenzivne nege, kjer pacient ostane 1-2 dni in je premeščen nazaj na oddelek za kardiologijo. Rehabilitacija pacienta po operaciji predstavlja velik pomen, ker pacientu pomaga ponovno zaživeti in se vključiti v življenje. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela smo opravili študijo primera pacientke po bypass operaciji na srcu. S pomočjo študije primera smo izpostavili aktualne in potencialne negovalne probleme, ki so se pojavili pri pacientki po bypass operaciji.
Keywords:bolezni srca, dejavniki tveganja, zdravstvena nega, pacient, bypass operacija, študija primera
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Mernik]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40879 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1933476 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.08.2013
MERNIK, Anja, 2013, Zdravstvena nega pacienta po operaciji na odprtem srcu [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Mernik. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=40879
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Secondary language

Title:Nursing care of patients after open heart surgery
Abstract:In the diploma thesis we present the frequency of heart disease, that in our country is still widespread. We divided disease into acquired and congenital. Congenital diseases apears with newborn babys and we treated them operationaly. On acquired disease we can make influence on or prevent them with healthy choice of life and with avoidancy to the risk factors. On factors like age and heredity we can`t make influence but we can make it on avoiding unhealthy way of living like unhealthy food, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, obesity, lack of exercise. Unhealty lifestyle can lead us to heart diseases which can require operating treatment. On that kind of news patient needs a lot of support from his family. In the diploma thesis we also described nursing care of patient before and during the surgery, which covers patients admission to the ward, physical and psychological preparation of the patient to the surgery, preparation of the patient on surgery day, patient transport to the surgery room, nursing care implementation during the surgery. We described postoperative period which begins in the recovery room after the surgery and patient transport to intensive unit care where the patient stays 1-2 days and then he is transported back to the ward of cardiology. Rehabilitation of the patient after the surgery is very important because it helps him include back to his life with new adjustments. We done the patients study case after the heart bypass surgery where we highlighted the current and potential nursing problems which occur after the heart bypass surgery.
Keywords:heart disease, risk factors, nursing care, patient, bypass operation, study case


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