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Title:Perioperativna zdravstvena nega pacientke z rakom jajčnika
Authors:ID Javornik, Katja (Author)
ID Brumen, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9ebb5a3c-1967-4e79-8965-ebdb49f67185
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je opisana anatomija in fiziologija jajčnika, opisan je rak jajčnika, njegovi vzroki, dedna dispozicija, njegovi simptomi, razvrstitev, stadiji, diagnostične metode ugotavljanja raka jajčnikov, vrste zdravljenja, ter predoperativno in pooperativno obdobje. Predstavljena je tudi psihosomatika pacientke z rakom jajčnika. Ugotovljeno je, da je rak jajčnika potencialno dedna bolezen. Če je rak jajčnika prisoten v družini, je v ožjem sorodstvu kar trikrat pogostejši kot pri ostali populaciji. Najpogosteje zbolevajo sorodnice v prvem kolenu pacientk. Opredelili smo tudi najpogostejše negovalne diagnoze pri pacientkah z rakom jajčnika. Najpogostejše negovalne diagnoze, ki se pojavljajo pri pacientkah z rakom jajčnika so: znanje, pomanjkljivo, strah (pooperativnega posega, pooperativnega zdravljenja), nevarnost infekcije – kirurške rane, nevarnost krvavitve, vaginalna sekrecija, bolečina-spodnji del trebuha, bolečina – kirurška rana, mobilnost, nepopolna telesna mobilnost (II. stopnje), aktivnost, zmanjšana zmožnost za fizično aktivnost, samonega, zmanjšana sposobnost opravljanja vseh aktivnosti osebne nege, obstipacija, nevarnost za obstipacijo (drugi dan po operativnem posegu), samospoštovanje, nevarnost nizkega samospoštovanja zaradi določene situacije, seksualna disfunkcija. Strokovno načrtovana in izvedena perioperativna zdravstvena nega je ključnega pomena za ugotavljanje in načrtovanje potreb pacientke po zdravstveni negi, zmanjševanju anksioznosti in tesnobnosti pacientke pred operativnim posegom, zmanjševanju potencialnih negovalnih diagnoz, zmanjševanju pooperativnih zapletov, čim hitrejšo rehabilitacijo pacientke ter hitrejšo vrnitev pacientke v domače okolje.
Keywords:anatomija jajčnika, rak jajčnika, zdravljenje in simptomatika raka jajčnika, negovalne diagnoze pacientke z rakom jajčnika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Javornik]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40186 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1914276 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.07.2013
JAVORNIK, Katja, 2013, Perioperativna zdravstvena nega pacientke z rakom jajčnika [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Javornik. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=40186
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Secondary language

Title:Perioperative care of the patient with ovarian cancer
Abstract:The theoretical part of the thesis describes the anatomy and physiology of the ovary, ovarian cancer and its causes, genetic disposition, symptoms, classification, stages, diagnostic methods, treatment types and the pre- and postoperative period. Presented are also psychosomatics of ovarian cancer patients. It was discovered, that ovarian cancer is a potentially hereditary disease. If ovarian cancer is present in the family, it is three times more common in the close family circle than in the rest of the population. Most often are being diagnosed first degree relatives of patients. We also defined the most common treatment diagnoses in ovarian cancer patients. They are: lack of knowledge, fear (surgery, postoperative treatment), risk of infection – surgical wound, risk of bleeding, vaginal secretion, pain – lower abdomen, pain – surgical wound, mobility, incomplete physical mobility (level II), activity, decreased ability for physical activity, self-care, decreased personal care ability, constipation, risk of constipation (day after surgery), self-respect, risk of low self-respect due to certain situations, sexual dysfunction. Professionally planned and implemented perioperative health care is of key importance for the assessment and planning of the needs of the patient regarding the health care, decrease of anxiety before the surgery, decrease of potential negative diagnoses and postoperative complications, faster rehabilitation and returning to the home environment.
Keywords:anatomy of the ovary, ovarian cancer, treatment and symptomatic of ovarian cancer, nursing diagnosis of the ovarian cancer patient


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