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Authors:ID Čeh, Ines (Author)
ID Mernik, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Ceh_Ines_2013.pdf (11,86 MB)
MD5: 98BEEE6F8AD454AF2534698250B05EF2
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c980a369-8661-45bd-9f67-7982b1cd5a7f
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Domensko specifični jeziki so računalniški (programski, modelirni, specifikacijski) jeziki, namenjeni reševanju problemov v določeni domeni. Razvoj domensko specifičnega jezika obsega naslednje faze: odločitev, analizo, načrtovanje, implementacijo, namestitev, testiranje in vzdrževanje. Faze razvoja domensko specifičnih jezikov niso enakomerno raziskane. Največ pozornosti je bilo v preteklosti namenjene fazi implementacije, fazi analize in načrtovanja pa spadata med najmanj raziskane faze. Za izvedbo domenske analize sicer obstajajo številne formalne metodologije, ki pa so se izkazale kot prezahtevne, zato v praksi niso pogosto uporabljene. Prav tako pa ne obstajajo navodila, ki bi določala, kako uporabiti informacije, pridobljene v fazi analize, pri načrtovanju domensko specifičnega jezika. V doktorski disertaciji predstavimo nov formalni pristop za razvoj domensko specifičnih jezikov. Namesto razvoja nove, manj kompleksne metodologije za izvedbo domenske analize predlagamo uvedbo ontološke domenske analize. V fazi ontološke domenske analize poiščemo primerno obstoječo ontologijo za razvoj domensko specifičnega jezika oziroma po potrebi razvijemo novo ontologijo, ki opisuje ciljno domeno. Če domensko specifični jezik razvijemo na podlagi obstoječe ontologije, lahko eno razvojno fazo domensko specifičnega jezika izpustimo. Posledično se zniža cena razvoja domensko specifičnega jezika, ki sicer predstavlja najtehtnejši protiargument za njihov razvoj. V doktorski disertaciji prav tako izpeljemo pravila, ki nam povedo, kako informacije, pridobljene iz ontologije - izhoda faze ontološke domenske analize -, uporabiti v fazi načrtovanja domensko specifičnih jezikov. Predlagan pristop implementiramo v okviru ogrodja Ontology2DSL. Ogrodje, ki ga podrobno predstavimo, na vhodu sprejme ontologijo OWL, zapisano v sintaksi RDF/XML. Izhod iz ogrodja predstavljajo gramatika domensko specifičnega jezika in programi. V doktorski disertaciji se dotaknemo tudi problematike izbire primerne ontologije za razvoj domensko specifičnih jezikov. Uporabnost predlaganega pristopa prikažemo na praktičnih primerih.
Keywords:domensko specifični jeziki, ontologije, domenska analiza, načrtovanje domensko specifičnih jezikov, kontekstno neodvisna gramatika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Čeh]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40047 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:266519040 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.04.2013
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
ČEH, Ines, 2013, RAZVOJ DOMENSKO SPECIFIČNIH JEZIKOV IZ ONTOLOGIJ OWL [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : I. Čeh. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=40047
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Secondary language

Title:Domain-specific language development from OWL ontologies
Abstract:Domain-specific languages are computer (programming, modeling, specification) languages devoted to solving problems in a specific domain. The DSL development process encompasses the following phases: decision, analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance. Domain-specific language development phases are not equally investigated. While the implementation phase has attracted a lot of researchers, the analysis and design phases are less known and have not been as closely examined. Various formal methodologies for domain analysis have been developed. Often, formal methodologies are not used due to complexity. There are not any clear guidelines on how the output from domain analysis can be used in a language design process. This thesis presents a new formal approach for the development of domain specific languages. Instead of developing a less complex domain analysis methodology, we propose ontology domain analysis. During ontological domain analysis we find and use a suitable existing ontology for the development of a domain specific language and, if necessary, develop a new ontology that describes the target domain. A pre-existing ontology, which contains all the domain information required for DSL development, renders the phase of domain analysis unnecessary. Consequently, this reduces the price of a domain-specific language development process. Expense is a major counter argument to the development of domain-specific languages. By reducing it, this argument loses its weight. The thesis also deduces the rules that tell us how information derived from ontologies can be used in the design stage of domain-specific language. The proposed approach has been implemented within the Ontology2DSL framework. As input, the framework, which is presented in detail in the thesis, accepts an OWL ontology in RDF/XML syntax and outputs the DSL grammar as well as sample programs. The thesis also addresses the problem of choosing a suitable ontology for the development of domain specific languages. The applicability of the proposed approach is illustrated in practical examples.
Keywords:domain-specific languages, ontology, domain analysis, domain-specific language design, context-free grammar


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