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Title:Uporaba interaktivne table pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli
Authors:ID Zelenko, Anita (Author)
ID Kolnik, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Zelenko_Anita_2013.pdf (3,21 MB)
MD5: 5EC4910CE688E2E349519F8A04F9A072
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/489d42d6-4fcb-4d52-a185-070ac20779ad
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Z razvojem tehnologije se v šolski prostor vedno bolj vključuje informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija. Ena od teh tehnologij je tudi interaktivna tabla, ki se v slovenskem šolskem prostoru pojavlja od leta 2004 (Juričič, 2005). V letu 2009 je bilo 16,8% slovenskih osnovnih šol opremljenih z interaktivno tablo, kar 70,6% pa je njihovo nabavo načrtovalo (Gerlič, 2010a). Glavni namen magistrske naloge z naslovom Uporaba interaktivne table pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli je bil preizkus teoretičnih spoznanj o prednostih in slabostih uporabe interaktivne table pri pouku geografije na primeru uporabe interaktivne table pri pouku geografije v devetem razredu osnovne šole. Izhodišče je predstavljal pedagoški eksperiment, izveden pri pouku geografije v devetem razredu osnovne šole v šolskem letu 2010/2011, ki je ovrgel prvi del vodilne hipoteze ter potrdil drugi del vodilne hipoteze naloge. Ta je v prvem delu predvidevala, da učenci ob uporabi interaktivne table dosegajo višje učne rezultate v primerjavi s sovrstniki, kjer pouk geografije poteka brez interaktivne table. V drugem delu je predvidevala, da je poučevanje z interaktivno tablo za učitelja z vidika organizacije pouka racionalnejše in za učenca z vidika usvajanja učne snovi nazornejše. Sklepi pedagoškega eksperimenta so nov raziskovalni prispevek na področju slovenske didaktike geografije, saj tovrstni pedagoški eksperiment pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli še ni bil izveden, analiziran in opisan v slovenski didaktični literaturi. Učiteljem je pomemben predvsem zaradi predstavljenih prednosti in slabosti uporabe interaktivne table pri pouku geografije ter podanih predlogov za njeno smotrno uporabo.
Keywords:interaktivna tabla, poučevanje in učenje z interaktivno tablo, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT), pouk geografije, osnovna šola
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Zelenko]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39825 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20026376 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.09.2013
ZELENKO, Anita, 2013, Uporaba interaktivne table pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Zelenko. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=39825
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Secondary language

Title:The Use of Interactive Board at Geography Lessons in Primary School
Abstract:With the technological development information and communication technology is becoming increasingly involved in schools. One of the technologies represents an interactive board, which has been used in schools since 2004 (Juričič, 2005). In 2009 there were 16,8% of Slovene primary schools which were equipped with the interactive board, whereas 70% of schools planned its purchase (Gerlič, 2010). The main purpose of the dissertation entitled The Use of Interactive Board at Geography Lessons in Primary School was a test of theory cognition about the advantages and the disadvantages of using the interactive board at Geography lessons of the use interactive board in the teaching of Geography in the ninth grade of Primary School. The pedagogical experiment represented the basis and it was carried out at a Geography lesson in the ninth class of a primary school in the school year 2010/2011, which refuted the first part of the leading hypothesis and confirmed the second part of the leading hypothetical assignment. The first part suggested that students who use the interactive board reach higher learning results in comparison to peers who do not use the interactive board. The second part suggested that teaching with the interactive board is more rational for a teacher what concerns lesson organization and it is more thorough for a student what concerns learning. The resolutions of the pedagogical experiment are a new experimental contribution in the field of Slovene Geography didactics, because there has never been any pedagogical experiment carried out at the Geography lesson nor has it been analysed and described in the Slovene didactics literature. It is especially important for teachers because of the advantages and the disadvantages of using the interactive board at Geography lessons and given suggestions for its sensible use.
Keywords:interactive board, teaching and learning with an interactive board, information and communication technology (ICT), Geography lessons, primary school


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