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Title:Uporaba izobraževalne tehnologije za oblikovanje učiteljevega razrednega delovnega mesta
Authors:ID Erhatič, Damjan (Author)
ID Krašna, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Erhatic_Damjan_2013.pdf (3,16 MB)
MD5: 2A595A94E0F6D4344745E5A6EA386DA0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/13dc7705-c226-4037-96f1-c90f7ae0ca51
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Učna sredstva in pripomočki so zmeraj bili del pouka in skoraj ni učitelja, ki bi pouk izvajal brez njih. Skozi zgodovino se pojavijo različni načini učenja in poučevanja. Do pomembne prelomnice pride s pojavom informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, ko se izbor učnih sredstev in pripomočkov poveča. Pouk, ki vključuje sliko, video in zvok, je za učence veliko bolj zanimiv in lažje pridobimo njihovo pozornost. Tako si skoraj več ne znamo predstavljati pouka brez računalnika ali interaktivne table. Pri pojavu novih učnih sredstev in pripomočkov pa je potrebno tudi raziskovanje njihovih učinkov. V več raziskavah je bilo ugotovljeno, da je pouk, ki temelji le na uporabi table in govora, manj učinkovit kot pa če uporabimo sodobne učne pripomočke. Učna sredstva in pripomočki, ki jih učitelji poznajo in uporabljajo že dalj časa (table, grafoskop, diaprojektor, televizija, radio in ostali), so še zmeraj v uporabi, vendar jih nadomeščajo nova in izboljšana učna sredstva in pripomočki. Načrtovanje novega učnega pripomočka zahteva veliko vloženega dela, idej in sodelovanja z različnimi izvajalci. Interaktivni kateder združuje več lastnosti, ki jih opredeljuje sodobni pouk. Omogoča uporabo računalnika, brskanje po spletu, predvajanje slik, videa in zvočnih posnetkov, dostopanje do skupnih map in datotek, uporabo spletne verzije dnevnika in redovalnice, uporabo programske opreme, ki je namenjena za interaktivne table. Z uporabo tehnologije na dotik se še bolj približamo sodobnim tehnološkim trendom, ki so trenutno glavni indikatorji in smernice razvoja v tehnologiji. Ta tehnologija na dotik tudi zamenja klasično uporabo interaktivne table in jo prikaže na povsem nov način. Uvajanje uporabe interaktivnega katedra ni bilo zahtevno, saj je vsa tehnologija učiteljem že dobro znana, na voljo so jim le nove možnosti uporabe.
Keywords:informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija, učna sredstva, učni pripomočki, sodobni pouk, interaktivni kateder
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Erhatič]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39734 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19754760 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.03.2013
ERHATIČ, Damjan, 2013, Uporaba izobraževalne tehnologije za oblikovanje učiteljevega razrednega delovnega mesta [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : D. Erhatič. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=39734
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Secondary language

Title:Application of educational technology for teachers' classroom working space design
Abstract:There is no teacher who performs lessons without the help of teaching aids or teaching tools since they have always been a part of lessons. Several different teaching strategies and different ways of learning appeared throughout history. An important breakthrough happened in teaching when the first information and communication technologies started to develop which lead into a greater variety of teaching aids and tools. Lessons which include the use of pictures, audio or video clips are far more interesting for the learners and make it easier to catch/get their attention. Nowadays lessons without a computer or an interactive whiteboard are unimaginable. The appearance of these new aids leads to the need of new research about the effects/outcome of their use in the classroom. Research has shown that lessons, held only by stimuli of blackboard and speech, were far less effective than those in which modern equipment was used. The aids and tools which teachers have been using in the past (e.g.: blackboard/board, OHP (overhead projector), slide projector, TV, radio and others) are still in use, but they are slowly replaced by modern and improved technology. To start the use of these new aids demands a lot of hard work, ideas and the cooperation with various performers. The interactive teacher´s desk, for example, combines more characteristics defined by contemporarily lessons. It enables the use of a computer, working with the Internet, the projection of audio or video clips and pictures, access to shared files and folders, the use of an e- class book, e-mark book and the use of the interactive whiteboard software. The touch screen technology also replaces the traditional interactive whiteboard and presents a new perspective to it. The initiation of the touch screen teacher´s desk use was not too demanding since the teachers have been familiar with this kind of technology. It offers new ways of use.
Keywords:information communication technology, teaching aids, teaching tools, modern teching, interactive teacher's desk


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