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Title:Nove strategije načrtovanja in izvajanja okoljske vzgoje v prvem triletju osnovne šole
Authors:ID Rajšp, Martina (Author)
ID FOŠNARIČ, SAMO (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Rajsp_Martina_2013.pdf (3,04 MB)
MD5: CE357CFABDCD24B87850F94C0FBE6D21
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5ab57afa-aab9-4249-9ef4-3a98cc0af606
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V pričujočem doktorskem delu se dopolnjujeta dve zaokroženi enoti, teoretična in empirična, ki skupaj tvorita celovit vpogled v proces načrtovanja in izvajanja pozitivnih okoljskih aktivnosti učiteljev prvega triletja mariborskih osnovnih šol ter nakazujeta, kako le-te vplivajo na pripravljenost njihovih učencev na sožitje z naravo. V teoretičnem delu podrobneje analiziramo okolje kot dejavnik razvoja, poudarjamo pomen trajnostnega razvoja, predstavljamo zgodovinski razvoj in vrednost okoljske vzgoje v svetu ter v Sloveniji. Predstavljamo natančen pregled vseh šestih nacionalnih učnih načrtov za pouk v prvem triletju s stališča okoljske vzgoje in podajamo najpomembnejše ugotovitve preliminarnih študij. V empiričnem delu predstavljamo rezultate, podrobnejšo analizo in ugotovitve empirične raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 56 učiteljev prvega triletja mariborskih osnovnih šol ter 832 njihovih učencev. Pridobljena empirična spoznanja razkrivajo, da anketirani učitelji izvajajo okoljske aktivnosti, ki jih načrtujejo v svoji letni delovni pripravi. Le aktivnosti dela v naravi pogosteje načrtujejo kot izvajajo. Pogosteje učitelji izvajajo okoljske aktivnosti s svojimi učenci pri pouku, pogosteje jih učenci izvajajo tudi v svojem prostem času doma.
Keywords:okoljska vzgoja, prvo triletje, proces načrtovanja, proces izvajanja, sožitje učencev z naravo.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:M. Rajšp]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39722 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19723528 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.03.2013
RAJŠP, Martina, 2013, Nove strategije načrtovanja in izvajanja okoljske vzgoje v prvem triletju osnovne šole [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : M. Rajšp. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=39722
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Secondary language

Title:New Strategies for Planning and Implementing Environmental Education in the First Three-yeat Cycle of Elementary School
Abstract:In this doctoral work two rounded units are supplementing, theoretical and empirical, which together form a comprehensive insight into the process of planning and implementing the positive environmental activities by the teachers of the first triennium of Maribor`s primary schools and they indicate how they affect the readiness of their students to cohabitate with the nature. In the first, theoretical part, we analyze in detail the environment as a factor of development, we stress the importance of sustainable development and present the historical development and the value of environmental education in the world and Slovenia. We present a detailed overview of all six national curriculum for teaching in the first three years from the standpoint of environmental education, and we present the main findings of preliminary studies. In the second, empirical part, we present the results of a more detailed analysis and findings of an empirical study, in which 56 Maribor`s primary school teachers of the first triennium participated and 832 of their students. The obtained empirical findings reveal that respondent teachers implement environmental activities, which are planned in their annual school work. Only the activities in the nature are more often planned than carried out. When environmental activities are carried out by the teachers in the classroom more frequently, then students also implement them in their free time more often.
Keywords:environmental education, first triennium, the process of planning, implementation process, student`s cohabitation with the nature


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