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Title:Ugotavljanje pretoka vode v rozgah podlag vinske trte v času mirovanja in solzenja
Authors:ID Rabič, Zvonka (Author)
ID Vršič, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Rabic_Zvonka_2013.pdf (931,38 KB)
MD5: 38C55F8F04FC2DF3D0AD432E683A299A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/42ef7b55-21fb-4022-bc55-2600e530f705
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Na Univerzitetnem centru za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo smo v letih 2007 in 2008 preučevali pretok vode v enoletnih rozgah pri različnih podlagah ('V M', 'SO4', 'Rupestris', 'Binova' in 'Börner') v času mirovanja in solzenja. Pretok vode v rozgah podlag smo merili pri dveh različnih dolžinah (5 in 10 cm). Meritev smo opravili v treh različnih terminih (18. 12. 2007, 12 . 2. 2008, 10. 4. 2008) v času solzenja in mirovanja vinske trte. Pretok vode smo podali v µl na mm² prečnega prereza rozge in površine lesa v eni minuti. Pretok vode posameznih rozg podlag na spodnjem, srednjem in zgornjem nodiju ter na internodiju je bil pri podlagi 'Binova' večji kot pri ostalih podlagah pri drugi meritvi 12. 2. 2008, ko je bila še faza mirovanja. Pri podlagah 'V M', 'SO4', 'Rupestris' in 'Börner' je bil pretok vode večji v času, ko so se že začeli pretakati sokovi.
Keywords:vinska trta, podlage, pretok, mirovanje, solzenje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39692 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.02.2013
RABIČ, Zvonka, 2013, Ugotavljanje pretoka vode v rozgah podlag vinske trte v času mirovanja in solzenja [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 10 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=39692
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Title:Researching the water flow in vine canes of rootstocks during the dormant season and lachrymation
Abstract:At the Meranovo University Centre for Viticulture and Oenology we studied the water flow in vine canes of different rootstocks ('V M', 'SO4', 'Rupestris', 'Binova' and 'Börner') during the dormant season and lachrymation in 2007 and 2008. We measured the water flow at two different lengths (5 and 10 cm) of the rootstocks canes. Measurements were taken on three different terms (18 December 2007, 12 February 2008, 10 April 2008) during the dormant season and lachrymation of the vine. The water flow is expressed in µl per mm² of transverse section of the vine cane and wood surface in one minute. The water flow at the lower, middle and upper nodes and the internode of the vine canes was higher in the 'Binova' rootstock than in the other rootstocks when the second measurement was taken during the dormant season on 12 February 2008. In the 'V M', 'SO4', 'Rupestris' and 'Börner' rootstocks, the water flow was highest when the sap started to flow.
Keywords:vine, rootstocks, flow, dormant season, lachrymation


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