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Title:Poškodbe starostnikov
Authors:ID Gobec, Lidija (Author)
ID Kokoš, Marjeta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Gobec_Lidija_2013.pdf (1,98 MB)
MD5: A96A6AFC9884C49D13C9B1EE60307B5E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5f8316bb-0a7b-45ff-afd1-feb01937be61
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Število starostnikov se v razvitem svetu vsako leto povečuje, saj se povečuje kakovost življenja in s tem daljša življenjska doba. Podaljševanje življenjske dobe starostnikov pa prinaša vedno več potreb po strokovni pomoči in pomoči pri osnovnih življenjskih aktivnostih. Letno se povečuje tudi število poškodb starostnikov, še posebej tistih, ki so še mobilni in predvsem živijo sami oz. skrbijo sami zase. Po poškodbi postanejo nesposobni skrbeti sami zase, prav tako za njih neredko ne morejo skrbeti svojci. Pogosto je to pravi trenutek za sprejem v domsko varstvo. Rehabilitacija se izvaja pri usposobljenih ljudeh in v strokovnem okolju, zato se lahko nekaterim starostnikom stanje občutno izboljša, vendar povratka nazaj v samostojno življenje skoraj ni. Raziskava je obsegala anketiranje 60 starostnikov v institucionalnem varstvu, ki so se poškodovali v domačem okolju in so zaradi posledic poškodbe prišli v domsko varstvo, saj niso mogli več živeti samostojno. Z raziskavo smo želeli izvedeti, ali se je stanje starostnikov po sprejemu v domsko varstvo izboljšalo, ali rehabilitaciji posvečajo dovolj časa in ali se medicinska sestra aktivno vključuje v proces rehabilitacije. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da se je poškodovalo več žensk kot moških, večina jih je bila pred poškodbo samostojna in so živeli sami. Najpogostejši vzrok poškodbe je bil padec v domačem okolju, posledica pa največkrat zlom. Za odhod v domsko varstvo se jih je večina odločila zato, ker niso mogli več skrbeti sami zase in ker jim bližnji niso mogli pomagati pri vsakodnevnih aktivnostih. Več kot polovica jih je v domsko varstvo prišla takoj po poškodbi, z rehabilitacijo se je njihovo splošno stanje izboljšalo, večini je v domu tudi všeč in bi se ponovno odločila za prihod. Rezultati raziskave tako kažejo, da predstavlja institucionalno (domsko) varstvo uspešno obliko socialne in splošne rehabilitacije, s katero so starostniki po poškodbi in izgubi samostojnosti pri opravljanju dnevnih aktivnosti zadovoljni.
Keywords:starostnik, staranje, poškodbe, institucionalno varstvo, rehabilitacija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Gobec]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39631 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1891492 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.04.2013
GOBEC, Lidija, 2013, Poškodbe starostnikov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : L. Gobec. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=39631
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Secondary language

Title:Injuries among the elderly
Abstract:The number of elderly people is increasing every year due to the progress in the world and better quality of life. As the life expectancy is longer and longer there are more and more elderly who need help and assistance even in the basic daily living activities. The number of injuries among elderly increases as well, particularly in those who were previously still able to live alone and took care of themselves. If the injury once occurs and the elderly are not able to take care of themselves any more, this seems to be the best time for the admission to the institutional care, where the rehabilitation through the qualified people could be offered. This might significantly improve their overall condition, but unfortunately the majority of them can never reach an independent life-style any more. The survey included a questionnaire in 60 elderly people who sustained the injury at home and ended in the institutional care. The purpose of the study was to find out if their condition and capacity for daily activities has improved with the institutional care, if they devote enough time to rehabilitation and if the nurse is included in the process of rehabilitation. The results of the study showed higher number of the injured women (than men) who were previously living alone and were independent in their life-style. The most common mechanism of the injury was a fall at home, with the fracture as the most common sustained injury. The most common reason for the admission to the institutional care was the loss of independence in daily living activities and because the relatives were not able to take care of them. More than half of them were admitted soon after the injury. They assessed the rehabilitation as a successful one, what made them pleased with this and would choose the institutional care again. The results of the study support the institutional care as a successful way of social and overall rehabilitation of the elderly persons after the sustained injury and loss of independence.
Keywords:elderly, aging, injury, institutional care, rehabilitation


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