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Title:Metodologija razvoja programske opreme za vodenje industrijskih procesov
Authors:ID Lukman, Tomaž (Author)
ID Heričko, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Strmčnik, Stanko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DR_Lukman_Tomaz_2013.pdf (8,16 MB)
MD5: 47580F5793B4746608C5C5BA76562109
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a4c84ccd-0de2-40ab-be60-39f6af2188ad
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Osrednja tema doktorske disertacije je programsko inženirstvo v domeni vodenja industrijskih procesov. Praksa razvoja programske opreme za vodenje industrijskih procesov je, gledano s stališča sodobnih pristopov k razvoju programske opreme, nezrela in ne izpolnjuje potreb trga po vedno obsežnejši in bolj kakovostni programski opremi, po skrajšanjih razvojnih ciklih ter po učinkovitem razvoju. Predlagani sodobni razvojni pristopi pa niso sprejeti s strani praktikov in gospodarstva, ker so nedodelani in ker ne rešujejo najpomembnejših težav domene vodenja, ki jih navaja literatura. V okviru doktorske disertacije smo razvili sodobno metodologijo za razvoj programske opreme za vodenje procesov. Razvoj je temeljil na sistematični uporabi nekaterih idej iz področij modelno usmerjenega inženirstva, domensko specifičnih modelirnih jezikov in programskih produktnih linij. Te ideje so bile uporabljene na tak način, da metodologija rešuje najpomembnejše težave domene vodenja procesov in nima slabosti obstoječih sodobnih razvojnih pristopov. Metodologija je sestavljena iz dveh nivojev: nivoja razvoja infrastrukture in nivoja razvoja aplikacij. Na prvem nivoju se sistematično razvija infrastruktura, ki je sestavljena iz definicije aplikacijskega razvojnega procesa in razvojnih smernic zanj, formalnega domensko specifičnega modelirnega jezika, definicije transformacij modelov in podpornih programskih orodij. Podporna programska orodja, ki omogočajo delno avtomatizacijo aplikacijskega razvoja v naši metodologiji, so sestavljena iz urejevalnika modelov, repozitorija modelov in generatorja kode. V okviru doktorske disertacije sta bila razvita tudi laboratorijski prototip in industrijski prototip podpornih orodij. Slednji odpravlja pomanjkljivosti laboratorijskega prototipa in je primeren za razvoj realne programske opreme za vodenje procesov. Na drugem nivoju razvoja se z uporabo infrastrukture izvaja modelno usmerjeni razvoj programske opreme za vodenje procesov. Z dobro definiranim aplikacijskim razvojnim procesom se izdela model programske opreme, iz katerega se na koncu avtomatsko generira koda za programirljive logične krmilnike. Evalvacija metodologije je bila izvedena na empirični način, in sicer s študijo primera, v katero so bili vključeni razvijalci iz slovenskega podjetja. V študiji primera je bilo prikazano, da je metodologija uporabna za razvoj programske opreme za vodenje realnih procesov. Pokazali smo tudi, da metodologija v primerjavi z razvojnim pristopom, ki se uporablja v praksi, izboljšuje učinkovitost razvoja programske opreme v smislu izboljšanja produktivnosti in kakovosti.
Keywords:Programsko inženirstvo, modelno usmerjeno inženirstvo, domensko specifični modelirni jeziki, programske produktne linije, avtomatsko generiranje kode, vodenje industrijskih procesov, študija primera
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:T. Lukman]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39345 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:265150464 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.01.2013
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
LUKMAN, Tomaž, 2012, Metodologija razvoja programske opreme za vodenje industrijskih procesov [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : T. Lukman. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=39345
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Secondary language

Title:A methodology for the development of industrial process control software
Abstract:The main topic of this doctoral dissertation is software engineering in the domain of industrial process control. The state-of-the-practice of process control software engineering is immature and is unable to address the market demands for increasing the quality and scale of the software, shorter time-to-market periods, and efficient development. The proposed state-of-the-art development approaches have not been accepted by the developers and industry, because they are immature and they do not solve the most important issues of the process control domain that are discussed in the literature. In this doctoral dissertation we have developed a state-of-the-art methodology for the development of process control software. It was developed systematically based on some of the ideas from the areas of model-driven engineering, domain-specific modeling languages, and software product lines. These ideas were applied in such a way that the methodology addresses the most important issues of the process control domain, while trying to avoid the weaknesses of the already-proposed state-of-the-art development approaches. The methodology consists of two levels: the infrastructure development level and the application development level. The first level is responsible for the systematic development of the infrastructure, which consists of an application-development process definition and the corresponding development guidelines, a formal domain-specific modeling language, a model transformations definition and supporting software tools. These tools enable a partial automation of the application development according to the proposed methodology and consist of a model editor, a model repository and a code generator. In the context of the doctoral dissertation a laboratory prototype and an industrial prototype of the support tools have been developed. The latter eliminates the deficiencies of the laboratory prototype and is suitable for the development of real-life process control software. In the second level the infrastructure is used for the model-driven engineering of the process control software. Through a well-defined application development process a software model is created, from which the code for programmable logic controllers is eventually, automatically generated. The evaluation of the methodology has been carried out empirically in the form of a case study into which engineers from a Slovenian company were included. This case study has demonstrated that the methodology is useful for the development of real-life process control software. We have also shown that the methodology increases the effectiveness when compared to the development approach that is used in practice. More specifically, it increases the productivity and the quality.
Keywords:Software engineering, model-driven engineering, domain-specific modeling languages, software product lines, automatic code generation, industrial process control, case study


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