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Title:Stavrosporin sproži apoptozo in nekroptozo v kulturi astrocitov podgan
Authors:ID Šimenc, Janez (Author)
ID Lipnik-Štangelj, Metoda (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Simenc_Janez_2012.pdf (15,84 MB)
MD5: 84CF3C44E64DC1529240986830DB6115
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0c94370f-ea35-4d10-be86-92ac723ceb9a
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
Abstract:Apoptoza in nekroptoza sta dve različni obliki programirane celične smrti. Apoptoza je nujna za tkivno homeostazo, nekroptoza pa lahko povzroči obsežno izgubo celic in sproži lokalno vnetje. Astrociti so heterogena skupina celic v osrednjem živčnem sistemu, ki nudi razvojno in zaščitno podporo nevronom. Astrociti lahko umrejo z apoptozo ali nekroptozo, vendar so mehanizmi njihovega propadanja slabo znani. V naši študiji smo pokazali, da lahko stavrosporin sproži v konfluentni kulturi astrocitov podgan apoptozo ali nekroptozo. Pri tretiranju z 10-7 M stavrosporinom je bil delež apoptotičnih celic po regeneraciji v mediju brez stavrosporina značilno povečan. Pri inhibiciji kaspaz je bila apoptoza oslabljena, hkrati pa je bila nekroptoza povišana. Pri tretiranju z 10-6 M stavrosporinom in regeneraciji, pa je bila povečana nekroptoza. Nekroptozo je oslabil nekrostatin-1, specifični inhibitor kinaze RIP1. Aktivacija kinaze RIP1 s stavrosporinom je sprožila tudi povečano tvorbo kisikovih radikalov. Ugotovili smo tudi, da apoptoza poteka počasneje od nekroptoze.
Keywords:Stavrosporin, apoptoza, nekroptoza, astrociti, pretočna citometrija
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:J. Šimenc]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39263 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512244536 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.01.2013
ŠIMENC, Janez, 2012, Stavrosporin sproži apoptozo in nekroptozo v kulturi astrocitov podgan [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : J. Šimenc. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=39263
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Secondary language

Title:Staurosporine induces apoptosis and necroptosis in cultured rat astrocytes
Abstract:Apoptosis and necroptosis are two different forms of a programmed cell death. Necroptosis may cause significant cell loss and local inflammation, while apoptosis is necesseary for tissue homeostasis. Astrocytes are heterogeneous cell population in the central nervous system, with many supportive and developmental functions to neurons. Astrocytes may die by apoptosis or necroptosis; however their demise is still poorly understood. In this study, we showed, that staurosporine in cultured rat astrocytes is able to induce both, apoptosis and necroptosis. Treatment with 10-7 M staurosporine increased apoptosis of astrocytes after the regeneration. When caspases were inhibited, apoptosis was attenuated, while necroptosis was slightly increased. However, treatment with 10-6 M staurosporine induced necroptosis. Necroptosis was significantly attenuated by necrostatin-1, an inhibitor of RIP1 kinase. Also, RIP1 kinase increased the production of reactive oxygen species. We also found, that apoptosis is much slower than necroptosis.
Keywords:Staurosporine, apoptosis, necroptosis, astrocytes, flow cytometry


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