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Authors:ID Pulko, Suzana (Author)
ID Črčinovič Rozman, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: B5E0DDB1B106C7D490BE3477B83E97E8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/82d655be-86cd-48df-904f-3f53fe41dfa7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Glasbena vzgoja nekoč in danes obravnavamo problem sprememb in razlik na področju poučevanja glasbene vzgoje na razredni stopnji osnovne šole v slovenskem prostoru. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, katere spremembe so nastale pri poučevanju tega predmeta vse do danes. Cilj obravnavane teme je s pomočjo učnih načrtov in učbenikov preučiti in predstaviti razvoj glasbenega šolstva na slovenskem območju. Za raziskovanje navedene tematike so uporabljene komparativna, zgodovinska in deskriptivna metoda. Ugotavljamo, da se je glasbena vzgoja spreminjala in nadgrajevala, ni pa nazadovala v primerjavi s tujino. Spremembe so zajemale učne načrte, glasbene dejavnosti, metode poučevanja, ocenjevanje in glasbene učbenike. Vsak dosedanji učni načrt je bil zasnovan drugače, z drugačnimi cilji in vsebinami. Glasbenih dejavnosti, kot so igranje glasbil, poslušanje glasbe, gibanje ob glasbi in glasbena ustvarjalnost, je bilo nekoč manj kot danes; leta 1950 jih ni bilo, saj je bilo v ospredju učenje ali petje pesmi. Nekoč sta bili metodi poučevanja petja pesmi po posluhu in po notah, danes pa se učijo peti pesmi z metodo imitacije in notami, ko jih že poznajo; pri tem si pomagajo z najrazličnejšimi slikovnimi pripomočki. Ocenjevanje glasbe se je spremenilo iz številčnega in tristopenjskega na opisnega, ki je v uporabi danes, a težimo nazaj k številčnemu. Glasbeni učbeniki so bile nekoč knjižice oziroma pesmarice. Vsebovale so pesmi, ki so jih prepevali pri glasbenem pouku. Z leti so učbeniki vsebovali teorijo, reševanje nalog in pesmi z notnim zapisom, opremljeni so bili s slikami. Taki so tudi današnji učbeniki. Pričakujemo lahko, da se bo glasbena vzgoja spreminjala in nadgrajevala tudi v prihodnje.
Keywords:Glasbena vzgoja, učni načrti, glasbene dejavnosti, ocenjevanje glasbe, glasbeni učbeniki.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Pulko]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38910 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19506696 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.11.2012
PULKO, Suzana, 2012, GLASBENA VZGOJA NEKOČ IN DANES [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Pulko. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=38910
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the thesis entitled “Music education in the past and nowadays” we are dealing with the problem of changes and differences in the field of teaching musical education at the level of primary school on the Slovenian territory. The aim of the thesis is to determine which changes have occurred in the process of teaching this discipline all until nowadays. The object of the discussed topic is with the help of educational plans and textbooks to study and present the development of the musical education in the area of Slovenia. For the research of the mentioned topic comparable, historical and descriptive methods are used. We are noticing that the musical education has been changing and improving. Moreover, it has not deteriorated in comparison with the foreign countries. Changes have consisted of educational plans, musical activities, teaching methods, evaluating and musical textbooks. Each current educational plan has been based differently with different objectives and content. Musical activities such as playing instruments, listening to music, movement with music and musical creativity used to be much less in the past as they are nowadays; in 1950 there were none, since learning and singing songs were in the forefront. In the past teaching methods have been singing songs by ear and by notes, nowadays however singing songs with the methods of imitation and notes are taught, as we already know them; along with this we help ourselves with a variety of visual devices. Evaluation of music has changed from numerical and three-level to descriptive, which is used today; we tend back to the numerical, though. Musical textbooks in the past have been books respectively hymnals. They have consisted of songs which have been sung during the music class. Over the years the textbooks have contained theory, exercises and songs with notation, equipped with pictures. Such are the nowadays textbooks as well. We can expect that the musical education will change and improve also in the future.
Keywords:Musical education, educational plan, musical activities, musical evaluation, musical textbooks.


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