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Title:Vpliv kadrovskega managementa na krepitev varnostne kulture v korporacijskem varnostnem okolju : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Čaleta, Karmen (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Caleta_Karmen_i2012.pdf (582,84 KB)
MD5: C05EF1D52630866779902D614B0B0AC1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6a073a07-8c6a-42c2-9be6-1840375cd214
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Posameznik se je kot socialno bitje v marsičem spremenil in s stališča zaposlenega v posamezni organizaciji postal izredno zahteven in zazrt skoraj izključno v zadovoljevanje svojih lastnih potreb, ki jih postavlja daleč pred potrebe organizacije v širšem in ožjem smislu. To med drugim pomeni, da smo zaradi dinamičnega in prožnega trga delovne sile prišli v situacijo hitrega menjavanja zaposlitev in s tem delovnih okolij, kjer je v tako kratkem času nemogoče pri posameznikih vzpostaviti ustrezno pripadnost ožjemu kolektivu in organizaciji v širšem pomenu besede. To pred vodilni management organizacij, in še posebej pred korporativno varnostne strokovnjake, postavlja zahtevne izzive, kako v globalnem ekonomskem okolju, ki temelji na hudi konkurenčni tekmovalnosti, zagotoviti ustrezno varovanje ključnih poslovnih informacij, do katerih dostopajo zaposleni v posameznih organizacijah. Seveda je prvi logični odgovor v smeri krepitve varnostne kulture, ki pa ima to »pomanjkljivost«, da predstavlja dolgotrajnejši proces, kot bi si v teh dinamičnih časih želeli. Drugo dejstvo pa je vsekakor, da bo potrebno sistemske pristope v korporacijskem okolju prilagoditi v smeri teh dinamičnih sprememb modernega okolja. Iz analize pridobljenih odgovorov skozi intervjuje je razvidno, da različne organizacije v svojih okoljih pomen celovitega obvladovanja varnostnih tveganj in s tem še posebej pomen varnostne kulture različno dojemajo in se zaradi svojih specifik tega problema lotevajo tudi na zelo različne načine. Še posebej prihaja do razkoraka v pristopih dojemanja varnostne kulture kot vrednote med organizacijami, ki so podvržene konkurenčnemu trgu in organizacijami birokratskega tipa. V tem okviru si je danes težko predstavljati, da vodilni management organizacij, v celoti ne uporablja vseh sistemskih vzvodov za obvladovanje tveganj pri delovanju njihove organizacije. To pomeni, da kadrovski management in korporativni varnostni management prepleteno izvajata in se vključujeta v proces, ki ga v našem obravnavanem primeru lahko umestimo v zagotavljanje ustrezne stopnje varnostne kulture zaposlenih v tej organizaciji.
Keywords:kadrovski management, varnostna kultura, varnostno okolje, korporacije, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Čaleta]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38848 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2582250 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.05.2013
ČALETA, Karmen, 2012, Vpliv kadrovskega managementa na krepitev varnostne kulture v korporacijskem varnostnem okolju : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : K. Čaleta. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=38848
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of human resource management on enhancing safety culture in the corporate security environment
Abstract:An individual as a social being has in many ways changed and, from the point of view of each employee in an organization, they havebecome extremely demanding and focussed almost exclusively to satisfying their own needs. They put their needs far ahead of the needs of an organization in a broad and narrow sense. This means, inter alia, that, as a result of the dynamic and flexible labour market, we have come to face rapid alternation of employments and working environments, where in such a short time it is impossible for individuals to establish proper loyalty to their immediate teams and the organization in the wider sense of the word. This confronts leading management of organizations, and especially corporate security professionals with difficult challenges of how to ensure, in the global economic environment, which is based on a serious competitive rivalry, an adequate protection of business-critical information accessed by employees in different organizations. Of course, the first logical response is to strengthen safety culture, whose "flaw" is that it represents a more time-consuming process than one would want in these dynamic times. The second fact, however, is certainly that systemic approaches in the corporate environment will have to be adapted to the dynamic changes in the modern environment. The analysis of the responses obtained through interviews shows that different organizations in their respective environments have different perceptions of the importance of comprehensive management of security risks and, particularly, of the importance of safety culture and that, due to their specifics, they tackle the problem in very different ways. In particular, there are differences in perceiving safety culture as a value between organizations that are subject to competitive market and those of a bureaucratic type. In this context, it is hard to imagine today that leading managements in organizations do not fully use the levers for systemic risk management in the operation of their organizations. This means that human resource management and corporate security management interlace in implementing and integrating themselves into a process, which in our specific case can fit into providing an adequate level of safety culture of employees in the organization.
Keywords:human resource management, safety culture, risk management, corporate and security management


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