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Title:Organiziranost sistema javnega alarmiranja in klic v sili 112 : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Brlan, Erik (Author)
ID Vršec, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Brlan_Erik_2012.pdf (1,20 MB)
MD5: 9E2D7857328AF502DF2F698951EF1274
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fe7bf228-c2fe-41bb-95b9-cd29e1d39e09
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Naravne in druge nesreče so eden iz med glavnih vzrokov za grožnjo varnosti v družbi, vanjo vnesejo razpad nekaterih vrednot, na katere se družba zanaša v svojem obstoju, s čimer se različni sistemi kriznega upravljanja in vodenja spopadejo z različno stopnjo pripravljenosti in organiziranosti. Varnostni problemi današnjega časa se neusmiljeno širijo in vse bolj poudarjamo nevojaške, med katere zagotovo pripisujemo v prvi vrsti onesnaževanje okolja, posledice pa so nagla nihanja v spreminjanju podnebnih razmer, ki predvsem vplivajo na pojavljanje in na posledice naravnih nesreč, med katerimi so najbolj problematične vremenske ujme. Posledice teh nesreč so odvisne tudi od zaznavanja omenjene grožnje v družbi in vsaka država je odgovorna za to, da vzpostavi in stalno vzdržuje pripravljenost reakcijski sil za odzivanje in ukrepanje na krizne razmere. V Sloveniji sta zaščita in reševanje eden od treh podsistemov v sistemu nacionalne varnosti, glavni cilj sistema varstva pred naravnimi nesrečami je zmanjšati število nesreč ali vsaj ublažiti, če že ne preprečiti, nastale posledice, kajti le tako lahko ostaja življenjska raven kakovostna in pri tem še vedno ostaja na nivoju splošne varnosti. Po oceni strokovne javnosti naj bi bili preventiva in pripravljenost najbolj učinkovita oblika varstva pred nesrečami, vendar je treba enako obravnavati organiziranost in usklajenost ukrepov varstva, kajti konec koncev se kljub odličnemu preventivnemu ravnanju in pripravljenosti vsem nesrečam le ne moremo izogniti. Sistem javnega alarmiranja v sestavi Sistema zaščite in reševanja je organiziran kot enoten sistem, katerega je možno upravljati na državni, regionalni in lokalni ravni. Za samo delovanje sistema javnega alarmiranja skrbijo občine, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje pa za njegovo organizacijo in delovanje na državni in regionalni ravni. Gospodarske družbe, zavodi in druge organizacije, ki opravljajo za širše okolje nevarno dejavnost, morajo na svoje stroške organizirati in vzdrževati alarmni sistem glede na nevarnost, ki jo povzročajo.
Keywords:nesreče, zaščita, reševanje, alarmiranje, klic v sili, 112, sistemi obveščanja, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:E. Brlan]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38816 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2533866 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.03.2013
BRLAN, Erik, 2012, Organiziranost sistema javnega alarmiranja in klic v sili 112 : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : E. Brlan. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=38816
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Abstract:Natural and other disasters are one of threat causes to the community safety; they bring disintegration of some values which are crucial for the existence of the community. Therefore different crisis management systems deal with different levels of preparedness and organization. Today's security problems are relentlessly expanding and the non-military ones, among which pollution is definitely the most expanding one, are increasingly emphasized. Consequences are shown as rapid changes in climatic conditions which mainly affect the occurrence and impact of natural disasters, among which weather disasters are most concerning. Consequences of these accidents depend also on perception of threat to society and each state has the responsibility to establish and maintain continuous readiness of reaction forces to respond to crises and emergency situations. In Slovenia, protection and rescue service is one of the three subsystems in the national security, and the main objective of the protection system against natural disasters is to reduce number of accidents or at least alleviate, if not prevent, the resulting consequences as this is the only way for quality of life to remain on general security level. According to the expert public, prevention and preparedness should be the most effective form of protection against hazards; however organization and the coordination of care should be treated the same because ultimately, despite excellent preventive treatment and disaster preparedness, we cannot avoid every disaster. Public warning system within the protection and rescue system is organized as a single system which can be managed at the national, regional and local level. The execution of the system itself is managed by municipalities, and the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief provides organization and execution at the national and regional levels. Companies, institutions and other organizations performing hazardous activity in wider areas must organize and maintain the alarm system by themselves according to the hazards they cause.


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