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Title:Prenova informacijskega sistema z uporabo procesnega pristopa in SOA v elektro distribucijskih sistemih Slovenije
Authors:ID Ovniček, Dominik (Author)
ID Kljajić, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 9B3741B72613D4681A00BF39191D58D9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/03f4a65d-b31b-47eb-a69c-f12f5a128714
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava prenovo informacijskega sistema v elektrodistribucijskih sistemih Slovenije z uporabo procesnega pristopa in SOA metodologije. Na začetku je opisan elektrodistribucijski sistem skupaj s sistemom za informacijsko podporo, ki elektrodistributerjem nudi informacijsko podporo. Analizirani so različni vidiki prenove IIS, predvsem SOA, in praktične izkušnje pri implementaciji storitveno usmerjene arhitekture. V elektrodistribucijskem sistemu, ki je zelo zgodaj začel s postopkom informatizacije, je v zadnjih letih informacijski sistem začel izgubljati na fleksibilnosti in agilnosti. Distribucijska podjetja so bila ob liberalizaciji trga z električno energijo in takojšnjem pojavu konkurenčnih podjetij pahnjena v nelojalno konkurenco, ki pa ji najlažje sledimo ali jo prehitimo s sodobnim, fleksibilnim informacijskim sistemom. V magistrskem delu proučujemo način prenove trenutnega informacijskega sistema elektrodistribucije v Sloveniji. Najprej raziskujemo tehnološko izbiro platforme, v nadaljevanju pa smiselnost vpeljave procesne podpore informacijskega sistema s pomočjo storitvene usmerjene arhitekture. V nalogi sem upošteval tudi scenarij, da trenutni IIS lahko zavržemo ali razvijemo novega, lahko ga nadomestimo z drugimi, že preverjenimi rešitvami, ali pa ga poskušamo nadgraditi tako, da bo ustrezal vsem novim zahtevam. Glede na izbrano strategijo je potrebno določiti, kakšna bo arhitektura oziroma tehnološko okolje rešitve. Obravnaval sem, kakšna strategija je primerna za prenovo IIS in kakšna naj bo v primeru izbire določene strategije arhitektura novega informacijskega sistema. Naloga temelji na spoznanjih skupnih sestankov s svetovalci za prenovo IIS. Obe raziskani deli potem implementiramo na pilotnem projektu, kjer izvedemo praktični prikaz izbrane tehnološke podlage in procesnega pristopa za nadaljnjo informacijsko podporo v slovenskih elektrodistribucijskih podjetjih. Rezultate odločitve in izsledke testiranja skozi pilotni projekt povzemam na koncu dela, kjer predlagamo tudi predlog usmeritve prenove informacijskega sistema elektrodistribucije Slovenije.
Keywords:poslovno-informacijski sistem, elektrodistribucija Slovenije, storitveno orientirana arhitektura, poslovni proces, prenova
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38797 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7089171 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.11.2012
OVNIČEK, Dominik, 2012, Prenova informacijskega sistema z uporabo procesnega pristopa in SOA v elektro distribucijskih sistemih Slovenije [online]. Master’s thesis. Kranj. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=38797
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Secondary language

Title:Restructuring information system in electric distribution systems in Slovenia by using the proces approach in SOA
Abstract:At the beginning of thesis I tried to present electrical distribution system and currently organization of IT support in the system. An integral part of the presentation is also IT support partner electrical distributor company's. In the beginning I also reviewed the theoretical basis of that particular topic of SOA and practical experience of implementing SOA. In the electricity distribution system, which was very early in the process of computerization, started recent years ago,today we find the information system began to lose the flexibility and agility. Distribution companies have been subject of liberalization the electricity market and the immediate emergence of competitive firms pushed to unfair competition. The easiest way how to follow, or get ahead is a modern, flexible information system. In this thesis we study the way the renovation of information system of energy in Slovenia. First, we investigate the choice of technology platform, we also study advisability of information system support the process through service-oriented architecture. In this work I took the script to the current IIS can discard or develop new one. In the script I also allow replacement of information system with another, already established. I trying to upgrade information systemso that will fit all new requirements. Depending on the chosen strategy is needed to determine what wil be the new architecture and technology environmental solutions. I discussed what strategy is suitable for the renovation of IIS and what should be the choice of a particular case of a new information system architecture. This thesis is also based on the findings of joint meetings with the consultants for the renovation of IIS. Both studied work were implemented the pilot project. Pilot project made a practical demonstration of selected technological basis and a process approach for further information system of the Slovenian electrical distribution companies. The results of the decisions and the results of testing through a pilot project are summarized at the end of the work. Result suggested a proposal for a policy renewal of an information system distribution companies in Slovenia.
Keywords:Business information system, service oriented architecture, Business process, electro distribution Slovenia, reengineering


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