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Authors:ID Užmah, Vanja (Author)
ID Košir, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Uzmah_Vanja_2012.pdf (1,81 MB)
MD5: 7177FCD640D7677F0DFAF53F44A38807
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a3276828-9ee5-4bcf-a637-7f5b0cff4f7d
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:POVZETEK Ključne besede: socialne igre, razredna klima, učenci, učitelji, sodelovanje. Osrednji problem diplomske naloge je, kakšna je danes pravzaprav vloga socialnih iger v osnovni šoli in ali lahko s pomočjo kontinuiranega izvajanja tovrstnih dejavnosti dosežemo pri učencih boljše sodelovanje in medsebojno povezanost. Tema diplomske naloge je bila izbrana na podlagi opazovanj mlajših generacij. Vse bolj je opazno, da današnji razredi pogosto ne delujejo kot povezana celota, ampak so sedanje generacije naravnane bolj egocentrično. Ob tem se poraja vprašanje, kakšno moč ima učitelj začetnik, da vsaj poskusi vplivati na izboljšanje sodelovanja in komunikacijo med učenci. Danes velik del poučevanja snovi temelji na igri, zato so bile za nalogo izbrane socialne igre, za katere je značilno, da med učenci postopoma razvijajo uspešno medsebojno komunikacijo in pripomorejo k boljši socialni interakciji. Preko socialnih iger poskušamo doseči, da se učenci najprej med seboj dobro spoznavajo, se naučijo poslušati drug drugega, sodelovati, poleg tega pa v razredu postopoma ustvarjamo ugodno razredno klimo. Tako teoretični kot empirični del diplomske naloge se osredotoča na vpliv socialnih iger pri sodelovanju razreda in navezovanju pristnejših stikov pri učencih ter predvsem na razvoj pozitivne komunikacije znotraj razreda. V raziskavi je sodelovalo osem oddelkov od drugega do petega razreda osnovne šole, in sicer štirje iz podružnične šole in štirje iz centralne šole. Uporabljeni so anketni vprašalniki za učitelje, kjer so bila vprašanja usmerjena predvsem na to, kako dojemajo socialne igre kot pomagalo pri izboljšanju sodelovanja med učenci. Učitelji so izpolnili ocenjevalne lestvice za učence, na podlagi katerih je bil pridobljen vpogled v razredno klimo. Z učenci so bile neposredno izvedene posebej izbrane socialne igre, ki jih je vrednotila učiteljica določenega razreda, kjer so bile igre izvajane, z vnaprej pripravljenimi ocenjevalnimi lestvicami. V diplomsko nalogo so vključene vse izvedene igre, ocenjene kot ustrezna pomoč učiteljem začetnikom, ko se bodo prvič srečali z učiteljevanjem. Opravljena raziskava izvedenih iger je potrdila, da so učenci večinoma zadovoljni z razredno klimo, tudi medsebojno sodelovanje je dobro, vendar pa vseeno ne sodelujejo tako trdno na ostalih področjih, kadar niso v razredu, zato je posledično tudi njihovo prijateljevanje izven razreda osredotočeno le na določene učence. Dobljeni rezultate kažejo, da so učenci uživali ob izvajanju iger in da se zaradi pomanjkanja časa v razredu tovrstne dejavnosti izvajajo, kadar učitelji predvidevajo, da jim to dopušča čas.
Keywords:socialne igre, razredna klima, u enci, u itelji, sodelovanje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Užmah]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38544 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19495176 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.01.2013
UŽMAH, Vanja, 2012, VLOGA SOCIALNIH IGER V OSNOVNI ŠOLI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : V. Užmah. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=38544
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Secondary language

Abstract:ABSTRACT Key words: social games, classroom climate, pupils, teachers, cooperation. The central problem of my diploma paper is today’s actual role of social games in elementary school and how to achieve better participation and interconnections among pupils by means of continuous implementation of such games. The topic of my diploma paper was chosen on the basis of observations of younger generations. I have got an impression, in recent years, that school classes do not work as a unified whole. On the contrary, it seems that today’s generations are more egocentrically oriented. There is a question related to this problem: “What kind of power do I have as a teacher – beginner - to at least try to influence the improvement of participation and communication among pupils?” Considering the fact that the major part of teaching material today is based on game, I decided to focus on social games for these activities gradually develop successful communication among pupils and thus contribute to better social interaction. By means of social games elementary school teachers try to achieve that pupils get to know each other well, that they learn how to listen to each other and how to cooperate with each other. Gradually, a positive classroom climate can be achieved. In theoretical and empirical part of my diploma paper I focused on the impact of social games on class participation, establishing more genuine contacts among pupils and, above all, on development of positive communication within a classroom. My research comprised eight classes from the second to the fifth class of elementary school; four classes from the subsidiary school and another four classes from the central school. For my research I used questionnaire for teachers which included questions about how teachers estimate social games as a tool to improve participation among pupils. For pupils I prepared grading scales, on which bases I acquired their opinion about the classroom climate. Together with the pupils I also directly conducted specially selected social games which were evaluated by the teacher of the specific class with which I conducted my social games. The teacher was provided in advance with all grading scales. My diploma paper includes all social games that in my opinion could help teachers – beginners – when they enter the classroom for the first time. After the survey of social games I estimate that pupils are mainly satisfied with their classroom climate and their mutual participation and cooperation is good. However, I estimate that they do not participate strongly enough in activities in other areas which are not entirely connected to their classroom work and consequently their friendship outside the classroom is weak and focused only on some part of activities. Considering the results of my research I presume that the pupils participating in my research were enjoying the social games with me. I also presume that due to the lack of time in the class, teachers use such social games only when they anticipate there is enough time to do so.
Keywords:social games, classroom climate, pupils, teachers, cooperation


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