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Title:Sprememba sistema upravljanja v gospodarski družbi Impol 2000 d.d., ( Prehod iz dvotirnega v enotirni sistem upravljanja)
Authors:ID Košir, Dejan (Author)
ID Prelič, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kosir_Dejan_2012.pdf (382,34 KB)
MD5: 829D49760E66247AFF4410E66E36C505
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e2501a8c-a2fd-463b-a980-b0117792bc1f
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Diplomsko delo z naslovom Sprememba sistema upravljanja v družbi Impol 2000 d.d., (Prehod iz dvotirnega v enotirni sistem upravljanja) predstavlja bralcu tematiko, kateri se zadnje čase tako v tuji, kot tudi v domači pravni in ekonomski literaturi posveča vedno več pozornosti. Govorimo o korporacijskem upravljanju gospodarskih družb. Od dobrega korporacijskega upravljanja je v veliki meri odvisna uspešnost sleherne gospodarske družbe, saj ji le to zagotavlja obstoj na trgu in možnost razvoja. V diplomskem delu je najprej predstavljen pojem korporacijskega upravljanja, kjer smo ugotovili, da ni enotne opredelitve tega pojma, ter da ta pojem tako tuji, kot domači avtorji opredeljujejo različno. V naslednjem poglavju je predstavljena zakonska podlaga korporacijskega upravljanja v Republiki Sloveniji. Nato sledi predstavitev temeljnih značilnosti enotirnega in dvotirnega sistema upravljanja, predstavitev posameznih organov v enotirnem in v dvotirnem sistemu upravljanja hkrati s predstavitvijo posameznih organov so predstavljena tudi razmerja med njimi, na koncu poglavja so predstavljene prednosti in slabosti obeh sistemov upravljanja. Zatem sledi kratka predstavitev družbe Impol 2000 d.d., analiza obstoječega sistema upravljanja, na koncu pa bralcu predstavimo možnost uvedbe enotirnega sistema upravljanja v družbo Impol 2000 d.d., Pri tem ugotovimo, da družba Impol 2000 d.d., izpolnjuje večino predpostavk na katerih temelji enotirni sistem upravljanja ter, da ima pripravljene ustrezne predloge aktov, ki so potrebni za spremembo sistema upravljanja. To nas privede do zaključka, da bi bila uvedba enotirnega sistema upravljanja v tej družbi smiselna. Saj bi enotirni sistem upravljanja družbi Impol 2000 d.d., prinesel boljše in tesnejše sodelovanje med organom nadzora in organom poslovodstva, kar naj bi izboljšalo pretok informacij med njima in hkrati izboljšalo kakovost dela članov upravnega odbora, ki so odgovorni za poslovodenje, saj boljše in kakovostnejše informacije omogočajo tudi boljši nadzor.
Keywords:korporacijsko upravljanje, delniška družba, enotirni sistem upravljanja, dvotirni sistem upravljanja, ZGD-1, Impol 2000 d.d..
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Košir]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38534 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4433451 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.12.2012
KOŠIR, Dejan, 2012, Sprememba sistema upravljanja v gospodarski družbi Impol 2000 d.d., ( Prehod iz dvotirnega v enotirni sistem upravljanja) [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : D. Košir. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=38534
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Secondary language

Title:System management change in the company Impol 2000 d.d., ( The transition from two-tier to one -tier management system)
Abstract:The diploma work titled The change of system of management in the company of Impol 2000 d.d., (The transition from two tier system to one tier management system) represents to the reader a theme to which more and more attention is dedicated lately abroad as well as in domestic legal and economical literature. We talk about corporate governance of economical companies. Good corporate governance depends a great deal on the success of every economical company, for only this ensures its existence in the market and also the possibility of development. In the diploma work, firstly, the notion of corporate governance is introduced. We concluded that there is no unitary definition of the idea and that the notion is defined very differently by foreign as well as domestic authors. In the next chapter the legal basis of corporate governance in the Republic of Slovenia is introduced. Then the introduction of the basic characteristics of one tier and two tier management system and the presentation of individual organs in a one tier and two tier management system follows. Simultaneously with the presentation of the individual organs the ratio between them is introduced. At the end of the chapter the advantages and disadvantages of the two management systems are presented. After that the short presentation of the company of Impol 2000 d.d. and the analysis of the existing management system follow. At the end the reader is introduced the possibility of the one tier management system introduction in the company of Impol 2000 d.d. Doing that we ascertain that the company of Impol 2000 d.d. fulfils most of the assumptions on which the one tier system is founded on. It also owns the prepared suitable motions of acts needed to change the management system. That brings us to the conclusion that the introduction of the one tier system in this company would be sensible. The one tier management system would bring better and closer cooperation between the supervision organ and the management organ. That would improve the information flow between them and simultaneously improve the work quality of the members of the management board, which are responsible for management, since the better and more qualified information allow better supervision.
Keywords:corporate governance, join-stock company, one tier management system, two tier management system, ZGD-1, Impol 2000 d.d..


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