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Title:Okoljevarstveni vidik uporabe nakupovalnih vrečk in raziskava vedenja potrošnikov
Authors:ID Budja, Martina (Author)
ID Lisec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Levičar, Stanislav (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Budja_Martina_2012.pdf (1,70 MB)
MD5: E4877A43F7362C58E26D2F0C62F636B0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b4fa15ff-f39a-4f1e-9b16-aca13ad6cc99
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V današnjem času ni prav nič nenavadnega, če nam prodajalka vso blago, ki ga kupimo v trgovini spravi v vrečko ali nam le-to ponudi. Tudi za najmanjši nakup jo dobimo ali vzamemo. Vso to početje nam je že samoumevno. Se kdaj vprašamo, zakaj potrebujemo toliko vrečk, če pa na koncu vse pristanejo v košu ali celo v naravi. Zavedati se moramo, da si je človeštvo s svojim življenjskim slogom nakopalo vrsto težav, pred katerimi si zdaj zatiska oči. Hiter razvoj v tehnologiji in drugih področjih je naredil svoje – vnesel je enostavnejši vsakdanjik, a krepko vplival na naravno okolje. Vedeti moramo, da je izdelava nakupovalnih plastičnih vrečk ali drugih vrečk povezana z izkoriščanjem naravnih virov. Plastične vrečke zahtevajo velike količine nafte, medtem ko za papirnate vrečke uporabljamo les. Zaradi samoumevnosti uporabe plastičnih vrečk, jih sploh več ne opazimo, tako močno so zavzela naša življenja. Imajo pa zato zelo velik vpliv na življenje živih organizmov in preostalega naravnega okolja. Za plastične vrečke bi lahko rekli, da so danes najbolj prisoten znak potrošništva na svetu. Lahko jih najdemo tako rekoč vsepovsod, čeprav so jih v nekaterih državah že prepovedali. So lahke, »poceni« ter vodoodporne, kar jim daje še posebno praktičnost in uporabnost. Tako so postale nepogrešljiv del našega vsakdana po vsem svetu.
Keywords:Plastična nakupovalna vrečka, polietilen PE-HD, PE-LD, biorazgradljive plastične vrečke, predlog zakona o vrečkah, LCA.
Place of publishing:Celje
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38315 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.10.2012
BUDJA, Martina, 2012, Okoljevarstveni vidik uporabe nakupovalnih vrečk in raziskava vedenja potrošnikov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=38315
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Secondary language

Title:Environmental aspect of shopping bags and consumers' behaviour research
Abstract:Nowadays it is not unusual if a seller puts all goods we buy in a plastic bag or at least offers it to us. Even for the smallest purchases we get a plastic bag or we take it and this has become completely self-evident to us. But do we ever ask ourselves why we need so many plastic bags, if they all end up in the trash or even in the environment at the end point? We have to realize that humanity has caused itself a lot of different problems and is now closing its eyes regarding this fact. Fast development in technology and other areas has left its mark by introducing a simpler lifestyle, but with a severe effect on the environment. We have to be aware of the fact that the production of plastic shopping bags or other bags is associated with the usage of natural resources. Plastic bags require a large amount of oil to be made, while paper bags require wood. Because of the self-evident use of plastic bags, we no longer even notice them, and that is proof of how much they have influenced our lives. But still they have a major impact on the lives of living organisms and the rest of the environment. We could say that today plastic bags are the biggest sign of consumption in the world. They can be found everywhere, although some countries have already prohibited their usage. They are lightweight, "cheap" and waterproof, thus making them practical and useful. That is why they have become an indispensable part of our everyday throughout the world.
Keywords:Plastic shopping bags, polyethylene PE-HD, PE-LD, biodegradable plastic bags, proposal law on bags, LCA


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