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Title:Toplotna izolacija počitniške hiše iz nežganih zidakov
Authors:ID Živkovič, Rebeka (Author)
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ID Širec, Karin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Zivkovic_Rebeka_2012.pdf (2,33 MB)
MD5: 60EE537188813251F6F46B6F5BD20B2F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2f958a81-4070-4db7-9adc-3d3d9cb84fe0
Work type:Diploma project paper
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:Zemljina kot gradbeni material je prisotna že od začetka človeštva, njena raba pa dobiva vedno večji pomen tudi v sodobnejšem času. Gradnja z zemljino je značilna predvsem za severovzhodni del Slovenije, kjer je zaloga materiala na mestu samem zadostna, da le-tega ni potrebno transportirati in s tem povzročati dodatnih stroškov. Zaradi dobrih lastnosti ima zid iz nežganih zidakov v ustrezni debelini veliko termično maso in ni potrebna dodatna obdelava. Ker pa živimo v času, ko se debeline posameznih elementov objekta vedno bolj reducirajo, je za zagotovitev predpisanih standardov potrebno vgraditi takšen fasadni sistem, ki izpolnjuje vedno večje pogoje s področja učinkovite rabe energije. Na tržišču najdemo široko paleto fasadnih sistemov in toplotnih izolatorjev. Potencialni naročnik objekta (Šmigoc, 2010) je okoljsko ozaveščen, zato želi uporabiti fasadni sistem, ki bo temeljil na naravnih materialih in se tako skladal z osnovno konstrukcijo. Diplomska naloga tako obravnava fasadne sisteme in toplotnoizolativne materiale, kjer je poudarek predvsem na naravnih gradivih. Zraven analize tehničnih karakteristik sta izvedeni še stroškovna in vrednostna analiza. Na osnovi rezultatov sem v praktičnem delu naloge izdelala fasadni sistem na maketi počitniške hiše v merilu 1:10. Omejila sem se na steno brez odprtin in jo obdelala z prezračevanim fasadnim sistemom z lesenim zaključnim slojem in toplotno izolacijo iz ovčje volne. Zaradi zagotavljanja termičnega udobja v prostorih sem se odločila za ilovnati notranji omet.
Keywords:naravni izolacijski materiali, gradnja z nežgano opeko
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Živkovič]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-37741 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11168028 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.09.2012
Categories:KTFMB - FG
ŽIVKOVIČ, Rebeka, 2012, Toplotna izolacija počitniške hiše iz nežganih zidakov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : R. Živkovič. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=37741
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Secondary language

Title:Thermal insulation of adobe lodge
Abstract:Loam as a building material has been there since the beginning of the mankind, but nowadays its use is gaining on the importance. Building with loam is typical of the south-eastern part of Slovenia, where the resources are sufficient and there is no need to transport them, so there are no extra costs for transportation. Due to its good qualities, the wall of the appropriate thickness made of adobe has great thermal mass and therefore no additional processing is needed. Because we live in time when thickness of particular elements of objects is being more and more reduced, and in order to meet the regulation standards, we need to install a facade system that fulfils more and more greater demands in the area of efficient energy consumption. There is a wide range of facade systems and thermal insulators on the market. The potential investor of a facility (Šmigoc, 2010) is environmentally aware, so he wants to use a facade system, based on natural materials and in line with basic construction. This diploma work deals with facade systems and thermal insulation materials with the emphasis on natural materials. Beside analysis of technical characteristics, the cost analysis and value analysis were also carried out. Based on the results, I have created a facade system on a holiday lodge model with a scale of 1:10 in the practical part of my diploma work. I have focused on a wall without openings and processed it with ventilated facade system with a wood cladding and thermal insulation made of sheep wool. To ensure thermal comfort in rooms, I have chosen clay plaster for the interior.
Keywords:natural insulation materials, building with adobe


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