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Authors:ID Učakar, Eva (Author)
ID Treven, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Ucakar_Eva_2012.pdf (1,07 MB)
MD5: 904F284C999A4709326C82B1DCFC2938
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1ed69e3f-890c-4e38-82e3-cfe60810cc66
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomski seminar obravnava področje nagrajevanja zaposlenih. V prvem delu je do potankosti razloženo vse o sistemih nagrajevanja na splošno, v drugem delu pa se osredotočamo na sistem nagrajevanja v OŠ Juršinci. V organizacijah sestavijo sistem za nagrajevanje zaposlenih tako, da z njim spodbudijo zaposlene k prispevanju svojega znanja in drugih sposobnosti za dosego vizije in poslanstva organizacije. Vloga sistemov nagrajevanja je, da spodbujajo zaposlene k doseganju ciljev organizacije, privabljajo nove kadre ter so v pomoč pri nadzorovanju stroškov. Sistemi so sestavljeni iz več komponent, ki jih je potrebno primerno oblikovati in načrtovani. Načrtovanje nagrad sestoji iz več korakov, ki si sledijo tako: preučitev obstoječega sistema nagrajevanja, postavljanje ciljev sistema nagrajevanja ter izvedba po načrtu. Delo, ki ga nagrajujejo pa je potrebno tudi ovrednotiti saj vsako delo ne zahteva enake mere odgovornosti, zahtevnosti in izobrazbe. Tako so dela, ki zahtevajo večjo mero prej naštetih dejavnikov ovrednotena više in prirejajo delavcu večjo nagrado. In obratno. Za vrednotenje del obstajajo razne metode, dve izmed teh sta neanalitična metoda razvrščanja del in analitična metoda s točkovanjem, ki je tudi največkrat uporabljena metoda. Ko je delo ovrednoteno organizacija oblikuje plačilno strukturo, v katero so dela uvrščena glede na njihovo vrednost. Dela so uvrščena v različne razrede na podlagi katerih je možno sestaviti primerno plačilno strukturo, ki omogoča spodbujanje zaposlenih k doseganju večje uspešnosti. K večji uspešnosti zaposlenih spodbujajo tudi druge nagrade za uspešnost ter ugodnosti pri delu, ki so lahko denarne in nedenarne. Nagrajevanje v javnem zavodu, OŠ Juršinci, ki se ukvarja z vzgojno-izobraževalno dejavnostjo v tem trenutku ni v najboljšem redu, saj vlada Republike Slovenije varčuje z znižanjem sredstev za plače in druge denarne nagrade javnih uslužbencev. Nagrajevanje v OŠ Juršinci se je zadnjih treh mesecih zelo spremenilo in te spremembe smo tudi zapisali in na podlagi primerjave ugotovili, da so se denarne nagrade zelo znižale, in da se stanje še slabša. Država skuša omejiti stroške za nagrajevanje na skoraj vseh področjih. Znižala se je osnovna plača, možnosti za napredovanje so vse manjše, nekaterih dodatkov k osnovni plači ni več, redne delovne uspešnosti že več let v šoli ne izplačujejo, spremenile so se tudi ugodnosti zaposlenih za katere je zdaj namenjenih manj sredstev. Zato smo predlagali poudarek na nedenarnem nagrajevanju v sistemu znotraj šole.
Keywords:nagrajevanje zaposlenih, osnovna šola, denarne nagrade, nedenarne nagrade, varčevanje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[E. Učakar]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-37370 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11292444 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.12.2012
UČAKAR, Eva, 2012, NAGRAJEVANJE ZAPOSLENIH V OSNOVNI ŠOLI JURŠINCI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : E. Učakar. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=37370
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Secondary language

Abstract:Graduate seminar addresses employee rewards. The first part explains in detail all the reward systems in general, and in the second part, we focus on the reward system in the elementary school Juršinci. The organization shall establish a system for rewarding employees so as to encourage its employees to contribute their own knowledge and other skills to achieve the vision and mission of the organization. The role of reward system is to encourage employees to achieve the goals of the organization, to attract new employees and to assist in controlling costs. Reward system consists of several components that need to be properly designed and planned. Reward plan consists of several steps that you follow in this order: review the existing system of reward, goal setting and reward system execution according to plan. Jobs that are rewarded are also necessary to evaluate because each job does not require the same level of responsibility, complexity and education. Thus, the jobs that require greater previously listed factors are evaluated higher and are rewarded with higher rewards. And vice versa. There are various evaluation methods that exist, two of these are non-analytical method of classification and analytical points rating method, which is also the most commonly used. Once the jobs are evaluated an organization sets up a payment structure in which the jobs are classified according to their value. The jobs are grouped into different classes on the basis of which it is possible to draw up appropriate payment structure that allows encouraging employees to achieve higher level of success. The higher performance of employees is also encouraged by other bonuses and benefits at work, which may be monetary or non-monetary. Reward system in the public institution, elementary school Juršinci, which deals with the educational activity is not the best at the moment, as the government of the Republic of Slovenia is saving by reducing funds for salaries and other monetary awards of civil servants. Rewarding in elementary school Juršinci has changed in the last three months considerably and these changes were also recorded and on the basis of comparisons we found that the prize money is reduced, and that the situation is even worse. State seeks to limit the cost of rewards in almost all areas. Reducing of the basic salary, opportunities for advancement lowered, some additions to the basic salary are gone, pay for performance is not payed out by school for many years now, they also changed employee benefits by reducing value. We have therefore proposed an emphasis on non-monetary reward system within the school.
Keywords:rewarding employees, primary school, financial reawards, non-financial rewards, saving.


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