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Title:Uspešnost tradicionalnih učnih metod pri vnašanju sodobnih znanstvenih dognanj v osnovnošolski pouk fizike
Authors:ID Repnik, Robert (Author)
ID Gerlič, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID KRALJ, SAMO (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DR_Repnik_Robert_2012.pdf (15,34 MB)
MD5: 49EEF8A0C8A4D32D3F6A883A814A323B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/14cd8513-6bf2-43a0-96f0-ce995a25e813
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:V zadnjem času smo priča izredno hitremu znanstvenemu in tehnološkemu razvoju, katerega rezultat so mnoge naprave in pripomočki, ki jih uporabljamo v vsakdanjem življenju. V najrazličnejših medijih zasledimo poročila o zanimivih in pomembnih znanstvenih odkritjih, ki zanimajo tudi učence in dijake, vendar so te informacije prepogosto preveč poenostavljene, napačne ali pa prekompleksne in nerazumljive. Marsikaterega učenca tudi zanima princip delovanja sodobnih orodij, kakor na primer mobilni telefon, optični vodniki, tekočekristalni zasloni itd. Odgovore na ta vprašanja sam navadno težko poišče. Kot ena najprimernejših rešitev zato se ponuja pri pouku fizike in to že v osnovni šoli. Formalno učni načrt osnovnošolske fizike omogoča delno že v okviru temeljnih vsebin, delno pri predlaganih izbirnih vsebinah, predvsem pa v določenem obsegu vsebinsko nerazporejenih učnih ur predmeta obravnavo tematik po avtonomni izbiri učitelja, zaradi aktualizacije pouka in rasti motivacije je pri tem smiselno upoštevati tudi želje in interese učencev. Kljub temu pa opažamo, da se učitelji v šolski praksi le redko odločijo uporabiti vsebinsko nerazporejene ure za vnašanje sodobnih znanstvenih dognanj v osnovnošolski pouk fizike, večinoma so namenjene ponavljanju, dopolnjevanju že obravnavane snovi, utrjevanju in preverjanju znanja. Pričujoča doktorska disertacija je strukturirana iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu obravnavamo pomembnejše zgodovinske prelomnice v razvoju znanosti in tehnologije, pomembne spremembe v razvoju didaktike in še posebej didaktike fizike, osredotočimo se na razvoj pouka fizike pri nas, podrobneje pa predstavimo evolucijo osnovnošolskega učnega načrta z vidika formalnih možnosti za vnašanje sodobnih znanstvenih dognanj v pouk fizike. Predstavimo didaktične oblike in metode ter uporabljene didaktične pristope, na katere smo se v raziskavi omejili. Predstavimo različne vrste za naravoslovje pomembnih kompetenc (ključne, generične in predmetno specifične) ter strategije presoje kot učinkovit mehanizem za določanje nivojev znanja pri pouku fizike. Na koncu postavimo strukturalni model izobraževalne fizike v osnovni šoli za vnašanje sodobnih znanstvenih dognanj v pouk fizike. V empiričnem delu predstavimo osnovne podatke o raziskavi, v katero smo v obdobju dveh šolskih let (2009/2010 in 2010/2011) zajeli 365 učencev iz sedmih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Najprej smo ugotovili incializacijsko stanje glede stanja motivacije ter predznanje učencev na temeljnem nivoju znanja (faktografsko znanje), višjem nivoju (analiza, primerjava) ter zahtevnejšem nivoju (sklepanje, vrednotenje). Sledil je pouk določene tematike z izbranim didaktičnim pristopom. Nazadnje smo ugotovili finalno stanje v istih kategorijah ter v analizi raziskali spremembe v stanju motivacije in v napredku pri navedenih kategorijah znanja. V analizi smo prikazali izide glede na opazovane faktorje, ki smo jih pridobili z uporabo naslednjih metod: frekvenčne distribucije, mere srednjih vrednosti, variacije in normalnosti distribucije, indeks težavnosti (p %), preizkus hipoteze neodvisnosti in hipoteze enake verjetnosti (χ2 preizkus) ter z enofaktorsko in dvofaktorsko analizo variance. Na osnovi 8 postavljenih tez smo izpeljali 35 hipotez, s katerimi smo preverili učinke eksperimentalnega faktorja na uspešnost vnašanja sodobnih znanstvenih dognanj v pouk osnovnošolske fizike. S preizkusi statistične značilnosti razlik med posameznimi didaktičnimi pristopi glede na upoštevane faktorje smo potrdili 18 zastavljenih hipotez, 17 hipotez pa ne. Najpomembnejše spoznanje pa je, da na osnovi teoretične raziskave in empiričnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je postavljen strukturalni model izobraževalne fizike v osnovni šoli za vnašanje sodobnih znanstvenih dognanj v pouk fizike možen in uspešen.
Keywords:izobraževanje, fizika, didaktika fizike, osnovna šola, pouk fizike, učne metode, učne oblike, strategije, didaktični pristopi, prenos znanstvenih dognanj, strategije presoje, testiranje, empirične raziskave, učni načrt, didaktični model, IKT
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Repnik]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-36998 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19282184 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.09.2012
REPNIK, Robert, 2012, Uspešnost tradicionalnih učnih metod pri vnašanju sodobnih znanstvenih dognanj v osnovnošolski pouk fizike [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : R. Repnik. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=36998
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Secondary language

Title:Successfulness of traditional teaching methods in introduction of contemporary scientific discoveries within physics lessons in primary school
Abstract:Recently we have met an extremely rapid scientific and technological development, which has led to many devices and tools which we use in everyday life. In various media we find reports on interesting and important scientific discoveries, which are interesting for the pupils, but this information is often too simplistic, wrong, or too complex and not understandable. Many students are interested in the principle of function of modern tools, such as mobile phone, optical fibers, liquid crystal displays, etc. The answers to these questions are usually difficult to find. As one of the most appropriate solution therefore offers the teaching of physics already in primary school. The introduction of topics, chosen by teacher`s autonomous decision, is partially possible in the frame of basic objectives, partially at optional objectives, but mostly in the frame of teaching hours, for which are no objectives prescribed in curriculum. Following the goal of actualization of teaching and increasing pupils` motivation is suggested to consider the interests of students. However, we note that teachers in schools rarely choose the objectives-undefined hours to introduce contemporary science, they are mainly used for repeating, complementing already introduced topics and for the examination instead. The present thesis is structured into two parts. In the theoretical part the important historical milestones in the development of science and technology are presented, also significant changes in the development of didactics and didactics of physics, in particular, focus on the development of physics teaching in our country, furthermore we present in detail the evolution of the curriculum of physics teaching in primary school, where we focus on formal opportunities for the introduction of contemporary scientific discoveries in physics education. Afterwards we introduce teaching methods and forms of teaching, then we mention teaching approaches we used. Next we present different types of competences, important for natural sciences (key, generic and subject specific), and assessment strategies as an effective mechanism for determining the levels of knowledge in physics. Finally we develop the structural model of physics education in primary schools for introducing contemporary scientific discoveries. In the empirical part we list the basic information about the research we provided during the period of two academic years (2009/2010 and 2010/2011), which included 365 students from seven Slovenian primary schools. First, we found initial situation regarding the state of knowledge and motivation of students to the basic level of knowledge (factual knowledge), higher level of knowledge (analysis, comparison) and advanced level of knowledge (reasoning, evaluation). This was followed by teaching specific topics via selected teaching approach. Finally, we determined the final state in the same categories and we analysed the changes in the state of motivation and progress in these categories of knowledge. In our analysis we show the results according to the observed factors, we have obtained using different statistical methods. Based on the set of 8 theses, we have formulated 35 hypotheses, which we examined to find out the effects of experimental factor on the success of introduction of contemporary scientific discoveries in physics teaching in elementary school. Due to tests of statistical significance of differences between the various teaching approaches depending on observed factors, we confirm 18 hypotheses, while 17 hypotheses are not confirmed. The most important result is that on the basis of theoretical research and empirical results we can show that the structural model for introducing contemporary scientific discoveries within physics lessons in primary school is possible and successful.
Keywords:education, physics, didactics of physics, primary school, teaching physics, teaching methods, forms of teaching, strategies, teaching approaches, the transfer of scientific discoveries, assessment strategies, testing, empirical research, curriculum, didactical model, ICT


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