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Title:The use of micro-simulation in determining the capacity of a roundabout with a multi-channel pedestrian flow
Authors:ID Tollazzi, Tomaž (Author)
ID Lerher, Tone (Author)
ID Šraml, Matjaž (Author)
Files:URL http://en.sv-jme.eu/scripts/download.php?file=/data/upload/SV_JME_54(2008)05_334_346_Sraml.pdf
Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of the multi-channel pedestrian flow on the capacity of the one-lane roundabout, using discrete simulation methods. The proposed model is based on the theory of the expected time void between the units of pedestrian traffic flow, which have the priority when crossing the arm of the roundabout. The proposed model represents an upgrade of the previous research in the field of modelling traffic flows in the one-lane roundabout. While the previous model of the pedestrian crossing is handled as the single-channel system in which the pedestrians arrive randomly from one side of the pedestrian crossing only, the proposed model deals with the multi-channel system in which the pedestrians arrive randomly from both sides of the pedestrian crossing. In thi sway the mathematical model can better illustrate the real conditions. The previous model considers only the disturbances of entry traffic flow of motorised vehicles caused by the pedestrian flow crossing the roundabout arm. The proposed model considers the disturbances caused by the circular traffic flow of motorised vehicles as well. A simulation analysis has been conducted on the roundabout at Koroška Street in Maribor, in which the counting of the motorised traffic flow and the pedestrian flow has been performed in the morning peek hour. The results of the analysis have indicated a high reserve of the capacity for pedestrians who arrive from the left and right sides of the roundabout with regard to motorised vehicles in the analysed arm of the roundabout. The real reserve of the capacity would otherwise be smaller in case of enlargement of the motorised vehicle flow in the future. Nevertheless it would be high enough for an undisturbed traffic flow of motorised vehicles through the roundabout to be possible. The presented methodology represents a practicable and adaptable tool for planning the roundabout capacity in practice and for the sensitivity analysis of individual variables on the throughput capacity of the roundabout.
Keywords:roundabout, pedestrian flow, traffic flow modeling, simulation models
Year of publishing:2008
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-26184 New window
ISSN on article:0039-2480
COBISS.SI-ID:12305174 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.05.2012
TOLLAZZI, Tomaž, LERHER, Tone and ŠRAML, Matjaž, 2008, The use of micro-simulation in determining the capacity of a roundabout with a multi-channel pedestrian flow. Strojniški vestnik [online]. 2008. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: http://en.sv-jme.eu/scripts/download.php?file=/data/upload/SV_JME_54(2008)05_334_346_Sraml.pdf
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Title:Strojniški vestnik
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Secondary language

Title:Uporaba mikro-simulacije pri določanju zmogljivosti krožišča z upoštevanjem večkanalnega prehoda za pešce
Abstract:Glavni namen prispevka je analiza vpliva večkanalnega sistema toka pešcev na zmogljivost enopasovnega krožišča z uporabo diskretne simulacijske metode. Predlagani model temelji na teoriji pričakovane časovne praznine med enotami prometnega toka pešcev, ki imajo pri prečkanju kraka krožišča prednost pred motornimi vozili. Predlagani model predstavlja nadgradnjo predhodnih raziskav na področju modeliranja prometnih tokov v enopasovnem krožišču. Medtem ko je v predhodnem modelu prehod za pešce obravnavan kot enokanalni sistem v katerega prihajajo pešci naključno samo iz ene strani prehoda za pešce, je v tem modelu prehod za pešce obravnavan kot večkanalni sistem, v katerega prihajajo pešci naključno iz obeh strani prehoda za pešce. S tem je doseženo, da matematični model še bolje ponazarja dejansko dogajanje. Predhodni model je upošteval le motnje, ki na uvoznem prometnem toku motornih vozil povzroča tok pešcev, ki prečka krak krožišča, nadgrajeni model pa upošteva tudi motnje zaradi krožečega toka motornih vozil. Simulacijska analiza je bila izvedena na krožišču, ki se nahaja na Koroški ulici v Mariboru, kjer so bile v jutranji konični uri izvedene meritve prometnega toka motornih vozil in pešcev. Rezultati analize so pokazali sorazmerno veliko teoretično rezervo zmogljivosti za pešce, ki prihajajo iz leve in desne strani krožišča glede na dejansko stanje prihoda motornih vozil v analiziranem kraku krožišča. Dejanska rezerva zmogljivosti bo sicer manjša v odvisnosti od povečanja toka motornih vozil v prihodnosti, vendar pa bo še vedno dovolj velika, da bo omogočen nemoten prometni tok motornih vozil skozi krožišče. Predstavljena metodologija predstavlja uporabno in prilagodljivo orodje za načrtovanje zmogljivosti krožišč v praksi in analizo vpliva posameznih spremenljivk na propustno sposobnost krožišča.
Keywords:krožišča, tok pešcev, modeliranje prometnih tokov, simulacijski modeli


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